github HearthSim/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker v0.3.18
Release v0.3.18

latest releases: v1.25.3, v1.25.2, v1.25.1...
9 years ago

+Secrets can now be grayed out by clicking on them.
+Opening the friendslist automactically hides the leftmost deck.

+Decks can now be sorted by Name, Last Edited (only accounts for edits from this point forward) and Tags. (My Decks > Sort / Filter)
+Replaced position sliders with an option to "unlock" the overlay. While unlocked: decks, secrets and the timer can be dragged around. (deck can also be resized)
+Importing decks from

*Fixed an issue where cards would not update properly.
*Fixed an issue causing cards not being visually added to a new deck.
*Fixed issues with exporting to Hearthstone, loading images and searching for names in some languages. (still problems with e.g. russian)
*Fixed an issue where cards played from the 10th handslot would mess up the card age/marks.

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