2023-04-06 4.3.0:
New features:
- all : support defaults for type parameters (#10518)
- all : support @:op(a()) on abstracts (#10119)
- all : support abstract keyword to reference the abstract (#10513)
- all : support static var at expression-level (#10555)
- all : support ?. safe navigation operator (#10561)
- all : added ?? null coalescing operator (#10428)
- all : add -w compiler option to configure warnings (#10612)
- all : added new error reporting modes (#10863)
- all : support custom metadata and defines (#10858)
General improvements:
- all : made various optimizations in the analyzer
- all : made various improvements to diagnostics
- all : made various improvements to null-safety
- all : optimize
for instance methods (#10737) - all : improved various parser error messages
- all : improved compilation server performance
- all : improved code generation for try/catch (#10519)
- all : infer property accessor type from the property (#10569)
- all : improved inference of local functions typed against abstracts (#10336)
- all : improved completion on module-level fields
- all : improved handling of native libraries on the compilation server
- all : improved performance when generating locals (#10648)
- all : made Std.parseInt more consistent across targets (#10664)
- all : infer null literals as Null<?> (#7736)
- all : made field access errors more consistent (#10896)
- all : consistently allow trailing commas (#11009)
- all : migrated all relevant targets to PCRE2 (#10491)
- all : made analyzer reconstruct do-while loops (#7979)
- all : improved restrictions on init macros (#11043)
- all : improved positions of @:structInit fields (#9318)
- macro : support map literals in Context.makeExpr (#10259)
- macro : added haxe.macro.Compiler.getConfiguration() (#10871)
- macro : added withImports and withOption to haxe.macro.Context
- macro : added getMacroStack and onAfterInitMacros to haxe.macro.Context (#11043)
- macro : added haxe.macro.Context.makeMonomorph (#10728)
- eval : added dictionary mode to objects, increasing performance in some cases (#10284)
- eval : fixed Sys.exit handling messing up the compilation server (#10642)
- eval : added -D eval-print-depth and -D eval-pretty-print (#10952, #10963)
- cpp : supported type parameters on extern classes (#10415)
- cpp : haxe.Int64 improvements (#9935)
- cpp : non-blocking process exit code reading (#10321)
- js : improved type names for debugger (#10894)
- lua : added SSL implementation (#10593)
- lua : fixed String API when -D no-inline was in place (#11057)
- lua : non-zero exit code in case of uncaught exception (#11082)
- java : deal with default implementations when loading extern libraries (#10466)
- jvm : improved closure naming (#10571)
- jvm : supported --jvm dir (#10614)
- jvm : added some missing TShort and TFloat handling (#10722)
- jvm : added experimental support for functional interfaces (#11019)
- php : added and fixed several extern functions
Standard Library:
- all : added atomic operations to several targets (#10610)
- all : added Vector.fill (#10687)
- sys : added sys.thread.Condition and Semaphore (#10503)
- sys : added Http.getResponseHeaderValues to deal with multiple values of same key (#10812)
- sys : make Sys.environment consistent between targets (#10460)
- sys : consistent way to unset environment variables with Sys.putEnv (#10402)
- all : properly disallowed macro reification in invalid places (#10883)
- all : fixed behavior when extending abstract classes with final fields (#10139)
- all : addressed some issues with constructor inlining (#10304)
- all : fixed pattern matcher bug related to null-guards (#10291)
- all : fixed weird parser behavior on first offset in files (#10322)
- all : fixed various issues related to the final modifier
- all : fixed various issues related to overload handling
- all : fixed precedence of => vs. ?: (#10455)
- all : made error positions in structure declarations more accurate (#9584)
- all : brought back proper check when accessing super fields (#10521)
- all : fixed @:publicFields on abstracts (#10541)
- all : inherited some metadata to @:generic implementation classes (#10557)
- all : fixed various problems in EventLoop and MainLoop
- all : fixed infinite recursion from invalid inheritance (#10245)
- all : fixed strange interaction between static extensions and macro functions (#10587)
- all : fixed problems with @:generic on the compilation server (#10635)
- all : fixed Context.onTypeNotFound being called multiple times for the same thing (#10678)
- all : fixed type parameter problem involving abstract classes and interfaces (#10748)
- all : fixed #if (a != b) yielding true for nonexistent values (#10868)
- all : fixed interaction between @:generic and abstract class (#10735)
- all : fixed @:using loading types too eagerly (#10107)
- all : fixed parser ignoring subsequent documentation comments (#10171)
- all : fixed parser function messing up unrelated file state in some cases (#10763)
- all : unified Map printing to always use [] (#9260)
- cpp : fixed problem with cpp.Pointer being used in enum arguments (#10831)
- macro : improved handling of macro this expressions (#10793)
- eval : fixed bit shift operations > 31 (#10752)
- eval : fixed Bytes.toString causing an internal exception (#10623)
- jvm : fixed @:native processing (#10280)
- jvm : fixed Type.getEnumConstructs on native enums (#10508)
- jvm : fixed @:volatile being ignored (#10594)
- jvm : fixed some hashing issue when pattern matching on emojis (#10720)
- jvm : fixed stack handling on return return (#10743)
- hl : fixed various code generation problems
- python : fixed SslSocket for newer python versions (#8401)
- python : fixed syntax issue related to Vector (#11060)