github Hacker0x01/react-datepicker v7.0.0

latest release: v7.1.0
12 days ago

Breaking changes

This release includes a Typescript migration. This has been a big overhaul of the code base. This is the biggest release ever with 447 commits and 104 files changed! Massive thanks to @mirus-ua, @yuki0410-dev, @Olenka-Yurchuk, @alvaromartinez986, and @ryantanrk. We've done our best to document the breaking changes:

  • fix: #4558 Rename calendarIconClassname props to calendarIconClassName props by @yuki0410-dev in #4643
  • Fix typo of the name of the function getHightLightDaysMap w… by @martijnrusschen in #4808
  • newDate helper always returns a date, if the initial params were invalid, then it returns just a new Date Line; #4707

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v6.9.0...v7.0.0

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