github HOL-Theorem-Prover/HOL trindemossen-1

9 months ago

Release notes for HOL4, Trindemossen 1

(Released: 25 April 2024)

We are pleased to announce the Trindemossen 1 release of HOL4.
We have changed the name (from Kananaskis) because of the kernel change reflected by the new efficient compute tool (see below).


  • New features
  • Bugs fixed
  • New theories
  • New tools
  • New Examples
  • Incompatibilities

New features:

  • The HOL_CONFIG environment variable is now consulted when HOL sessions begin, allowing for a custom hol-config configuration at a non-standard location, or potentially ignoring any present hol-config.
    If the variable is set, any other hol-config file will be ignored.
    If the value of HOL_CONFIG is a readable file, it will be used.

  • There is a new theorem attribute, unlisted, which causes theorems to be saved/stored in the usual fashion but kept somewhat hidden from user-view.
    Such theorems can be accessed with DB.fetch, and may be passed to other tools though the action of other attributes, but will not appear in the results of DB.find and DB.match, and will not occur as SML bindings in theory files.

  • Holmake will now look for .hol_preexec files in the hierarchy surrounding its invocation.
    The contents of such files will be executed by the shell before Holmake begins its work.
    See the DESCRIPTION manual for more.

  • Holmake (at least under Poly/ML) now stores most of the products of theory-building in a “dot”-directory .holobjs.
    For example, if fooScript.sml is compiled, the result in the current directory is the addition of fooTheory.sig only.
    The files fooTheory.sml, fooTheory.dat, fooTheory.uo and fooTheory.ui are all deposited in the .holobjs directory.
    This reduces clutter.

  • Paralleling the existing Excl form for removing specific theorems from a simplifier invocation, there is now a ExclSF form (also taking a string argument) that removes a simpset fragment from the simplifier.
    For example

         > simp[ExclSF "BOOL"] ([], “(λx. x + 1) (6 + 1)”);
         val it = ([([], “(λx. x + 1) 7”)], fn)

    where the BOOL fragment includes the treatment of β-reduction.

Bugs fixed:

New theories:

  • A theory of "contiguity types", as discussed in the paper Specifying Message Formats with Contiguity Types, ITP 2021. (DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.ITP.2021.30)

    Contiguity types express formal languages where later parts of a
    string may depend on information held earlier in the string. Thus
    contig types capture a class of context-sensitive languages. They
    are helpful for expressing serialized data containing, for example,
    variable length arrays. The soundness of a parameterized matcher is

  • permutes: The theory of permutations for general and finite sets, originally
    ported from HOL-Light's Library/

  • keccak: Defines the SHA-3 standard family of hash functions, based on the
    Keccak permutation and sponge construction. Keccak256, which is widely used
    in Ethereum, is included and was the basis for this work. A rudimentary
    computable version based on sptrees is included; faster evaluation using
    cvcompute is left for future work.

New tools:

  • The linear decision procedure for the reals (REAL_ARITH, REAL_ARITH_TAC
    and REAL_ASM_ARITH_TAC) have been updated by porting the latest code from
    HOL-Light. There are two versions: those in the existing RealArith package
    only support integral-valued coefficients, while those in the new package
    RealField support rational-valued coefficients (this includes division of
    reals, e.g. |- x / 2 + x /2 = x can be proved by RealField.REAL_ARITH).
    Users can explicitly choose between different versions by explicitly opening
    RealArith or RealField in their proof scripts. If realLib were opened,
    the maximal backward compatibilities are provided by first trying the old
    solver (now available as RealArith.OLD_REAL_ARITH, etc.) and (if failed)
    then the new solver. Some existing proofs from HOL-Light can be ported to
    HOL4 more easily.

  • New decision procedure for the reals ported from HOL-Light: REAL_FIELD,
    REAL_FIELD_TAC and REAL_ASM_FIELD_TAC (in the package RealField). These
    new tools first try RealField.REAL_ARITH and then turn to new solvers
    based on calculations of Grobner's Basis (from the new package Grobner).

  • Multiplying large numbers more efficiently:

    In src/real there is a new library bitArithLib.sml which improves the
    performance of large multiplications for the types :num and :real.
    The library uses arithmetic of bitstrings in combination with the Karatsuba
    multiplication algorithm.
    To use the library, it has to be loaded before the functions that should be
    evaluated are defined.

  • Fast in-logic computation primitive:
    A port of the Candle theorem prover's primitive rule for computation,
    described in the paper "Fast, Verified Computation for Candle" (ITP 2023),
    has been added to the kernel. The new compute primitive works on certain
    operations on a lisp-like datatype of pairs of numbers:

         Datatype: cv = Pair cv cv
                      | Num num

    This datatype and its operations are defined in cvScript.sml, and the
    compute primitive cv_compute is accessible via the library
    cv_computeLib.sml (both in src/cv_compute).

    There is also new automation that enables the use of cv_compute on
    functional HOL definitions which do not use the :cv type. In particular,
    cv_trans translates such definitions into equivalent functions operating
    over the :cv type. These can then be evaluated using cv_eval, which uses
    cv_compute internally. Both cv_trans and cv_eval can be found in the
    new cv_transLib.

    Some usage examples are located in examples/cv_compute. See the
    DESCRIPTION manual for a full description of the functionality offered by

    NB. To support cv_compute, the definitions of DIV and MOD over natural
    numbers num have been given specifications for the case when the second
    operand is zero. We follow HOL Light and Candle in defining n DIV 0 = 0 and
    n MOD 0 = n. These changes make DIV and MOD match the way Candle's
    compute primitive handles DIV and MOD.

  • Polarity-aware theorem-search. Extending what is available through DB.find and DB.match, the DB.polarity_search allows the user to search for explicitly negative or positive occurrences of the specified pattern.
    Thanks to Eric Hall for this contribution.

New examples:

  • Dependability Analysis:
    Dependability is an umbrella term encompassing Reliability, Availability and Maintainability.
    Two widely used dependability modeling techniques have been formalized namely, Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD) and Fault Trees (FT).
    Both these techniques graphically analyze the causes and factors contributing the functioning and failure of the system under study.
    Moreover, these dependability techniques have been highly recommended by several safety standards, such as IEC61508, ISO26262 and EN50128,
    for developing safe hardware and software systems.

    The new recursive datatypes are defined to model RBD and FT providing compositional features in order to analyze complex systems with arbitrary
    number of components.

        Datatype: rbd = series (rbd list)
                      | parallel (rbd list)
                      | atomic (α event)
        Datatype: gate = AND (gate list)
                       | OR (gate list)
                       | NOT gate
                       | atomic (α event)

    Some case studies are also formalized and placed with dependability theories, for illustration purposes, including smart grids, WSN data transport protocols, satellite solar arrays, virtual data centers, oil and gas pipeline systems and an air traffic management system.

  • large_numberTheory (in examples/probability): various versions of The Law of Large Numbers (LLN) of Probability Theory.

    Some LLN theorems (WLLN_uncorrelated and SLLN_uncorrelated) previously in probabilityTheory
    are now moved to large_numberTheory with unified statements.

  • Vector and Matrix theories (in examples/vector) translated from HOL-Light's Multivariate/

  • Relevant Logic (in examples/logic/relevant-logic): material contributed by James Taylor, mechanising a number of foundational results for propositional relevant logic.
    Three proof systems (two Hilbert, one natural deduction) are shown equivalent, and two model theories (the Routley-Meyer ternary-relation Kripke semantics, and Goldblatt’s “cover” semantics) are shown sound and complete with respect to the proof systems.

  • armv8-memory-model (in examples/arm): a port by Anthony Fox of Viktor Vafeiadis’s Coq formalization of the Armv8 Memory Model, which is based on the official mixed-size Armv8 memory model and associated paper.

  • p-adic numbers (in examples/padics): a construction of the p-adic numbers by Noah Gorrell.
    The approach taken defines the prime valuation function ν on first the natural numbers and then the rationals.
    It then defines the absolute value on ℚ so as to establish a $p$-metric.
    Cauchy sequences over these can be constructed and quotiented to construct a new numeric type.
    The new type adic is polymorphic such that the cardinality of the universe of the argument defines the prime number p of the construction.
    For types that have infinite or non-prime universes, p is taken to be 2.
    Thus, :2 adic, :4 adic and :num adic are isomorphic types, but :3 adic is distinct.
    Addition, multiplication and injection from the rationals are defined.


  • Some new automatic rewrites to do with natural number arithmetic (particularly exponentiation) have been added.
    The most potentially disruptive of these is probably LT1_EQ0, which states

       ⊢ n < 1 ⇔ n = 0

    The other new rewrites will simplify terms such as 10 < 2 ** x (where both the base of the exponentiation and the other argument to the relation are numerals).
    By taking a natural number logarithm, it is possible to turn the above into 3 < x and 5 ** n < 10654 into n ≤ 5.
    The theorems to exclude (using Excl, or temp_delsimps, or ...) if these new rules break proofs are: EXP_LE_LOG_SIMP, EXP_LT_LOG_SIMP, LE_EXP_LOG_SIMP, LT_EXP_LOG_SIMP, LOG_NUMERAL, EXP_LT_1, ONE_LE_EXP, and TWO_LE_EXP.

  • The small productTheory (products of natural numbers and real numbers, ported from HOL-Light) has been merged into iterateTheory (on which extrealTheory now depends).

  • Changes in the formal-languages/context-free example:

    • The location type (defined in locationTheory) has been simplified
    • The PEG machinery now has a simple error-reporting facility that attempts to report the end of the longest prefix of the input that might still be in the PEG’s language.
      This means that instead of returning either SOME result or NONE, PEGs now return a custom Success/Failure data type with values attached to both constructors.
  • The MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY theorem in bagTheory has been renamed to BAG_MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY to avoid a name-clash with a theorem of the same name in pred_setTheory.

  • The “global” simplification tactics (gs, gvs et al) have been adjusted to simplify older assumptions before later ones.
    This will keep assumption A in the list if it is newer (more recently added) than, and equivalent to, older assumption B.
    The new rgs is like the old gs.

  • The infix operator .. from iterateTheory is now called numseg and is parsed/printed as {m .. n} (a “close-fix” operator).
    This brings the syntax into line with listRangeTheory’s [m..n] syntax.
    In many contexts, expressions with this had to use parentheses as delimiters, and so fixing the incompatibility will require turning something like (t1..t2) into {t1..t2}.
    However, the old style did allow e ∈ m..n, which no longer works without the braces.

  • Due to internal dependency changes, Diff.DIFF_CONV (a conversion for proving
    differentiate expressions) is not included in realLib any more. Users of DIFF_CONV
    should explicitly open Diff in proof scripts.

  • The internally-stored names (string values) for various simpset fragments have been changed to lose _ss suffixes.
    For example, though the BETA_ss fragment still appears under that name in the SML namespace, the name it has stored internally is now just "BETA".
    This change makes the naming consistent across all of HOL’s fragments.
    These names are used when referring to fragments in calls to diminish_srw_ss, when using ExclSF (see above), and in printing the values in the REPL.

  • In sigma_algebraTheory, the definition of measurable has been generalized without requiring that the involved systems of sets must be σ-algebras.
    This change allows the user to express measurable mappings over generators of σ-algebras (cf. MEASURABLE_LIFT for a related important lemma).
    Existing proofs may break in two ways (both are easy to fix):
    1. The need for extra antecedents (usually easily available) when applying some existing measure and probability theorems.
    2. When proving f IN measurable a b, some proof branches regarding σ-algebras no longer exists (thus the related proof scripts must be eliminated).

  • Both the Definition syntax when a Termination argument has been provided, and the underlying TotalDefn.tDefine function, won’t now make schematic definitions unless they have been explicitly allowed.
    (With the Definition syntax, this is done by using the schematic attribute.)
    This brings this flavour of definition into line with the others, where the presence of extra free variables on the RHS of a definition’s equation is usually flagged as an error.

  • In real_topologyTheory, some definitions (only the theorem names but not the
    underlying logical constants) have been renamed to avoid conflicts with
    similar definitions in seqTheory: from sums to sums_def, from
    summable to summable_def. Besides, infsum has been renamed to
    suminf_def to reflect its overloading to suminf. (All these definitions
    are generalized versions of those in seqTheory.)

  • The constant lg (logarithm with base 2) has moved from the util_prob theory to transc.

  • The theories under src/ring/src have all been prefixed with the string EVAL_ reflecting the way they are exclusively used within the system, to provide polynomial normalisation using reflection and computeLib.
    This frees up the name ring to be used only by the material under examples/algebra.
    (In the absence of this change, theories that depended on what was in src/ring/src could not be used in a development alongside what is in examples/algebra.)

  • It is now an error to bind the same name twice in a theory.
    Binding names is what happens when theorems are saved or stored, or when definitions are made.
    These names appear in the exported thyTheory.sig files.
    Previously, rebound values would replace old ones with only a warning interactively.
    Now an exception is raised.
    In some circumstances when rebinding is appropriate, the allow_rebind annotation can be used to permit the behaviour.
    For example:

       Theorem foo: p /\ q <=> q /\ p
       Proof DECIDE_TAC
       Theorem foo[allow_rebind]: p \/ q <=> q \/ p
       Proof DECIDE_TAC

    The content of the theorem is irrelevant; any attempt to rebind will cause an error.
    Programmatically, the trace variable Theory.allow_rebinds can be set to 1 to allow the old behaviour.
    Thus, the following could be done at the head of a script file to completely turn off checking for the whole file

       val _ = set_trace "Theory.allow_rebinds" 1

    Rebinding is permitted dynamically when the Globals.interactive flag is true so that interactive development of theories is not hindered.

  • One error detected by the above change was in examples/miller/’s extra_bool theory.
    This defines an xor operator and included two successive theorems:

       [xor_F] : !p. p xor F = p
       [xor_F] : !p. F xor p = p

    The failure to flag the second as an error meant that the theorem called xor_F completely masked the rewrite in the opposite direction.
    The fix was to rename the second xor_F to now be F_xor, which is an incompatibility if your theory depends on extra_boolTheory.

  • The labels for clauses/rules in the “modern” Inductive syntax are now syntactically equivalent to conjunctions, so what used to be written as something like

       Inductive reln:
       [~name1:] (!x y. x < y ==> reln (x + 1) y) /\
          (!x y. reln x y ==> reln y x) /\
          (!x. reln x 0)

    should now be written

       Inductive reln:
       [~name1:] (!x y. x < y ==> reln (x + 1) y)
          (!x y. reln x y ==> reln y x)
          (!x. reln x 0)

    where all of the trailing/separating conjunctions have been removed.
    The parentheses around each clause above can also be removed, if desired.

    Attempting to mix labels and top-level conjunctions will lead to very confusing results: it’s best to only use one or the other.
    If you do not wish to name rules, you can use any of the following as “nullary” labels: [], [/\], or [∧].
    As with normal labels, these need to occur in column zero.

    The first rule need not have a label at all, so that

       Inductive reln:
          !x y. x < y ==> reln (x + 1) y
          !x y. reln x y ==> reln y x
          !x. reln x 0

    will work.
    It will also work to switch to conjunctions for trailing rules:

       Inductive reln:
       [~name1:] !x y. x < y ==> reln (x + 1) y
          (!x y. reln x y ==> reln y x) /\
          (!x. reln x 0) /\
          (!y. reln 100 y)
  • A number of theories embodying the “old” approach to measure theory and probability (using a real number as a set’s measure rather than an extended real) have moved from src/probability to examples/probability/legacy.
    These theories are still used by the dependability analysis example mentioned above, and by the verification of the probabilistic Miller-Rabin primality test (examples/miller).
    The effect of this is that the default build of the system will not build these theories; Holmake will build them when used in their new directory.

  • The mechanisation of temporal logic that used to live in src/temporal has been moved to examples/logic/temporal.

HOL4, Trindemossen 1

Release notes for the previous version

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