github HACKERALERT/Picocrypt 1.14
Picocrypt 1.14 (Midstable)

latest releases: 1.34, 1.33, 1.32...
3 years ago

v1.14 contains a plethora of bug fixes, improvements, and new features. This release uses Go's embed feature to manage resources, so the need for IExpress is eliminated. This means that Picocrypt should no longer be flagged by antiviruses. v1.14 is not compatible with v1.13, due to a multitude of changes, but if you drop a v1.13 volume into Picocrypt, it will let you know that you should use v1.13 to decrypt it. Reed-Solomon now works, although it is a little slow at the moment. Enjoy!

Edit: There's a known bug that prevents you from decrypting a splitted file. This will be fixed in the next release.

Windows: Picocrypt.exe
Linux: Coming shortly...

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