github GrapheneOS/Vanadium 121.0.6167.101.2

4 months ago

Changes in version 121.0.6167.101.2:

  • rebuild to fix arm64 32-bit WebView support which was omitted in the last build and not noticed even days after making it to the stable channel due to the few remaining obsolete 32-bit still being used which use the WebView (these apps mostly aren't allowed to be installed anymore since Android 14 without using a special ADB command due to minimum API level 23)

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 121.0.6167.101.1) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

This update is available to GrapheneOS users via our app repository and will also be bundled into the next OS release. Vanadium isn't yet officially available for users outside GrapheneOS, although we plan to do that eventually. It won't be able to provide the WebView outside GrapheneOS and will have missing hardening and other features.

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