github GrapheneOS/AppStore 21

latest releases: 30, 29, 28...
17 months ago

Notable changes in version 21:

  • properly handle split APKs having their own density split APKs (fixes fully installing recent Play services releases)
  • support updating disabled packages on Android 14+
  • fix static dependencies for app variants
  • remove non-descriptive app icon label to improve screen reader support
  • set channel chip as not checkable to improve screen reader support
  • update AndroidX Core KTX library to 1.12.0
  • update AndroidX Activity KTX library to 1.8.0
  • update AndroidX Navigation libraries to 2.7.4
  • update AndroidX Preference KTX library to 1.2.1
  • update AndroidX lifecycle libraries to 2.6.2
  • update Glide library to 4.16.0
  • switch to Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) variant of Glide library
  • update Material library to 1.10.0
  • update Bouncy Castle library to 1.76
  • update Kotlin Coroutines libraries to 1.7.3
  • update Gradle to 8.3
  • update Kotlin to 1.9.10
  • update AndroidX navigation safeargs plugin to 2.6.0
  • update Android Gradle plugin to 8.1.2
  • update Android build tools to 34.0.0
  • update SDK to 34 (Android 14)
  • update target API level to 34 (Android 14)
  • add low-level ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission required by API 34 to schedule jobs depending on network availability
  • add low-level FOREGROUND_SERVICE_DATA_SYNC permission required by API 34 to set foreground service type

A full list of changes from the previous release (version 20) is available through the Git commit log between the releases.

Apps is the client for the GrapheneOS app repository. It's included in GrapheneOS but can also be used on other Android 12+ operating systems. Our app repository currently provides our standalone apps, out-of-band updates to certain GrapheneOS components and a mirror of the core Google Play apps to make it easy for GrapheneOS users to install sandboxed Google Play with versions of the Google Play apps we've tested with our sandboxed Google Play compatibility layer.

GrapheneOS users must either obtain GrapheneOS app updates through our app repository or install it with adb install-multiple with both the APK and fs-verity metadata since fs-verity metadata is now required for out-of-band system app updates on GrapheneOS as part of extending verified boot to them.

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