github GovReady/govready-q v0.

latest releases: v0.10.0.3, v0.10.0.2, v0.10.0...
4 years ago

v0. (January 20, 2021)

Add deployments to capture system deployments and the inventory items in each deployment.

One system has multiple deployments (e.g., dev, stage, prod) and each deployment contains an inventory of the actual endpoints/items in a deployment of the system. Systems start with several common default (empty) deployments.

The "design" deployment by convention is a special deployment to represent the system architecture.

Deployments maintain a complete version history.

Deployment inventory-items are represented as JSON data object following a scheme that is similar to OSCAL inventory-item section.
Data for deployment inventory-items is assumed to be generated outside of GovReady. It is critical that the inventory items have UUIDs prior to import. Inventory item UUIDs for the life of the instantiated inventory item.

Inventory items in an deployment can be associated with an inventory item in the "design" deployment by referencing the "design" inventory item's UUID. This enablea a virtual persistence of an inventory-item across different instances of the "same" assest, such as a virtual database server.

Feature changes

  • Add system deployments with inventory items to track instantiations of the system in real assets.
  • Add lightweight-ato to default apps so users can get started easier.

UI changes

  • Add deployment index page for listing deployments associated with a system.
  • Add deployment form page for creating/editing deployments.
  • Add deployment history page.

Developer changes

  • Add .coveragerc configuration file to ensure we cover and run only tests in locally and in Circleci.
  • Add pyup.yml configuration file to have pull requests go against develop branch.
  • Add controls.Deployment object, related routes, views, templates, and admin to track system deployments and deployment inventory items.
  • Add DeploymentForm for Deployment model.
  • New '%dict' operator for JSON/YAML output templates
  • Pass OSCAL context to JSON/YAML output templates
  • New '%dict' operator for JSON/YAML output templates
  • Pass OSCAL context to JSON/YAML output templates
  • Created a recursive method wait_for_sleep_after that wraps around other functions allowing for drastically shorter wait times necessary compared to peppering var_sleeps.
  • Update install scripts.
  • Update default and recommended local/environment.json file from first_run and
  • By default, set organization name to "main".
  • Add optional PIPUSER parameter to to avoid error of running pip install with --user flag in virtual environments.
  • Comment out starting GovReady-Q server automatically because too many edge cases exist to execute that well.

Data changes

  • Populate every new system with default deployments design, dev, stage, prod.
  • Add Lightweight-ato apps to default apps.

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