What's New:
- Huge performance boost of the image analyzer's module! 10x speed up! Working with videos is now a pleasure!
- ReActorFaceSwapOpt (a simplified version of the Main Node) + ReActorOptions Nodes to set some additional options such as (new) "input/source faces separate order". Yes! You can now set the order of faces in the index in the way you want ("large to small" goes by default)!
- ReActorImageDublicator Node - rather useful for those who create videos, it helps to duplicate one image to several frames to use them with VAE Encoder (e.g. live avatars):
- Face Masking feature is available now, just add the "ReActorMaskHelper" Node to the workflow and connect it as shown below:
If you don't have the "face_yolov8m.pt" Ultralytics model - you can download it from the Assets and put it into the "ComfyUI\models\ultralytics\bbox" directory
As well as "sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth" model - download (if you don't have it) and put it into the "ComfyUI\models\sams" directory;
Use this Node to gain the best results of the face swapping process:
- ReActorBuildFaceModel Node got "face_model" output to provide a blended face model directly to the main Node:
Basic workflow 💾
- You can now build a blended face model from a batch of face models you already have, just add the "Make Face Model Batch" node to your workflow and connect several models via "Load Face Model"
- Spandrel lib support for GFPGAN
- Fixes and improvements