github GothenburgBitFactory/taskwarrior v2.6.1
2.6.1 - Even king can stumble

latest releases: v3.2.0, v3.1.0, v3.0.2...
3 years ago

Taskwarrior team is proud to announce the availability of 2.6.1 release. This bugfix-only release improves the upgrade path from 2.5.x, restores Cygwin compatibility and fixes a handful of small regressions introduced in our recent 2.6.0 release. The full changelog is available for your enjoyment in the form of highly non-algorithmic, non-personalized slightly-boring plaintext feed.

We are grateful to our users who have tested the 2.6.0 release and provided feedback. Thanks for making Taskwarrior better for all!

The release consists of the following archives:

  • task-2.6.1.tar.gz (sha3: 227926cee3af705e662466f9d5a6eac5a6fabbea810079f47039f4ed):
    Release tarball. Use this to build and install Taskwarrior.
  • tests-2.6.1.tar.gz (sha3: 6bb216001b5277656647773d1ccf833fe8bff7628337c7a1aabeec03):
    Test suite. Intended for package maintainers to make it easier to incorporate testing into the packaging process.

This is a recommended upgrade. Users can safely upgrade from 2.5.x or earlier directly to 2.6.1.

If you enjoy Taskwarrior, please consider supporting our work.

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