github GoogleContainerTools/skaffold v1.22.0
v1.22.0 Release

latest releases: v2.12.0, v2.11.1, v2.11.0...
3 years ago

v1.22.0 Release - 04/14/2021

curl -Lo skaffold && chmod +x skaffold && sudo mv skaffold /usr/local/bin

curl -Lo skaffold && chmod +x skaffold && sudo mv skaffold /usr/local/bin


Docker image

Note: This release comes with a new config version, v2beta14. To upgrade your skaffold.yaml, use skaffold fix. If you choose not to upgrade, skaffold will auto-upgrade as best as it can.


  • More granular control of port-forward options. Checkout the updated documentation for details.
  • InputDigest image tagging strategy from the Improve taggers proposal has landed.
  • Update docs for multi config support.

New Features:

  • Revise port-forward behaviour #5554
  • Add InputDigest support to CustomTemplateTagger #5661
  • Support --cache-artifacts flag for render #5652
  • Adding testing phase to Skaffold run #5594
  • Added helm remote repo example #5640


  • fix: test dependencies triggering retest for all artifacts #5679
  • Forwarding resources should not allocate system ports #5670
  • Make test dependencies retrieval per artifact. #5678
  • Fix default-repo by supporting nil as default value for flags #5654
  • [kpt deployer] Fix non-kustomize manifests not rendered issue #5627
  • fix concurrency issue in multi-config #5646
  • Fix 5301: Build dependencies for sync inherited from required artifacts; cache build dependencies between devloops #5614
  • Fix config line number in #5619
  • fix travis ci md badge link #5607
  • helm render needs to handle repo parameter #5676
  • Add service config to leeroy-web deployment.yaml #5630

Updates and Refactors:

  • Remove deprecated {{.IMAGES}} and {{.DIGEST_}} env vars #5605
  • Adding workspace context parameter to test definitions. #5677
  • Deprecate --render-only and --render-output flags #5644
  • Emit TaskEvent messages for DevLoop, Build, and Deploy phases #5637
  • Update Jib to 3.0 and set base images #5651
  • Add Event v2 package #5558
  • Adding events for Test phase #5573
  • Add instruction to install using Scoop #5566
  • Try reducing ttl to 30 seconds #5663
  • Adapting validation for docker container network mode to include ENV_VARS #5589
  • Set redeploy intent only when there are rebuilt artifacts #5553
  • Add event API v2 server handler #5622
  • Reset API intents on every dev cycle to avoid queueing #5636
  • Bring survey prompt back to 10 days and every 90 days. #5631

Docs, Test, and Release Updates:

  • Document portforwarding behavior for system ports #5680
  • Updating custom test documentation #5606
  • Fix typo in docs site #5585

Huge thanks goes out to all of our contributors for this release:

  • Brian de Alwis
  • Chanseok Oh
  • Gaurav
  • Ian Danforth
  • Maggie Neterval
  • Mario Fernández
  • Marlon Gamez
  • Mike Kamornikov
  • Nick Kubala
  • Parris Lucas
  • Piotr Szybicki
  • Priya Modali
  • Tejal Desai
  • Yury
  • Yuwen Ma
  • dhodun

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