v1.19.0 Release - 01/28/2021
curl -Lo skaffold https://storage.googleapis.com/skaffold/releases/v1.19.0/skaffold-linux-amd64 && chmod +x skaffold && sudo mv skaffold /usr/local/bin
curl -Lo skaffold https://storage.googleapis.com/skaffold/releases/v1.19.0/skaffold-darwin-amd64 && chmod +x skaffold && sudo mv skaffold /usr/local/bin
Docker image
From release v1.19.0, skaffold will collect anonymized Skaffold usage data.
This data will be used to help prioritize features and work on improving Skaffold. Usage data does not include any argument values or personal information and is strictly anonymized
You are opted-in by default and you can opt-out at any time with the skaffold config command.
Learn more on what data is reported here
and how to disable usage collection
Note: This is a small release with few improvements to skaffold init
and skaffold documentation.
Huge thanks goes out to all of our contributors for this release:
- Brian de Alwis
- Isaac Duarte
- Jeff Wu
- Marlon Gamez
- Medya Ghazizadeh
- Priya Modali
- Sangeetha A