github GoogleContainerTools/jib v0.8.0-cli
jib-cli v0.8.0

latest releases: v0.27.2-core, v3.4.4-gradle, v3.4.4-maven...
3 years ago

Major Changes

  • Increased robustness in registry communications by retrying HTTP requests (to the effect of retrying image pushes or pulls) on I/O exceptions with exponential backoffs. (#3351)
  • Now also supports username and password properties for the auths section in a Docker config (~/.docker/config.json). (Previously, only supported was a base64-encoded username and password string of the auth property.) (#3365)
  • Downgraded Google HTTP libraries to 1.34.0 to resolve network issues. (#3415, #3058, #3409)
  • Changed the default base image of the Jib CLI jar command from the adoptopenjdk images to the eclipse-temurin (for Java 8 and 11) and azul/zulu-openjdk (for Java 17) images on Docker Hub. Note that Temurin (by Adoptium) is the new name of AdoptOpenJDK. (#3491)

See for more details.

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