Release Week of 2023-07-18
Note: This release is being rolled out. It may not be in your region yet.
- Apache Beam was updated to 2.49.0
New Templates
- MySQL to BigQuery
- PostgreSQL to BigQuery
- SQL Server to BigQuery (branding of JDBC to BigQuery)
- [PubSubToDatadog] Several improvements, including batching and parallelism optimization
- [GoogleCloudToNeo4j] Several improvements to statement generation and merging
- [Testing] Allow usage of Bigtable static instances
- [Testing] DLP resource manager + integration tests
Bug Fixes
- [Security] Enforce non-vulnerable version of jettison dependency
- [Security] Bump hadoop-version to 3.3.6
- [Encoding] Ensure byte array to String is converted as UTF-8
- [Testing] Reduce the test name to fulfill the 30 chars limit
- [Spanner] Removing default spanner retryable codes
- [PubSubToDatadog] Retry 408 and 429 in addition to 5xx
- [SpannerChangeStreamsToSink] [OrderederedChangestreamBufferToSource]