github GoogleChrome/workbox v5.0.0-beta.1
Workbox v5.0.0-beta.1

latest releases: v7.1.0, v7.0.0, v6.6.0...
pre-release4 years ago

The latest beta release of Workbox v5 includes the following developer-visible changes, in addition to all the changes from the previous pre-release.

Installation of the latest pre-release version

We are using the next tag in npm for the current pre-release version. To install a given module use, e.g., npm install --save-dev workbox-webpack-plugin@next.

🐛 What's Fixed?


  • Various type annotations have been updated for accuracy. [#2200, #2208]

All build tools

  • If the swSrc file has an associated sourcemap, we now update that to account for the injected manifest. [#2239]


  • Fixed a bug that could lead to the output directory being prepended twice when writing the service worker to disk. [#2223]

  • Make sure that all swSrc and swDest files are left out of the generated precache manifest. [#2232]


  • Added a check to wait for the resulting client to load on navigation requests before broadcasting any update messages. [#2210]


  • Instead of adding the __WB_REVISION__ query parameter to outgoing network requests that should be cache-busted, explicitly set the cache mode to 'reload' if needed. When cache-busting is not needed, set cache to 'default'. [#2222]


  • Fixed a bug causing an invalid 206 Partial Content response to be used when the incoming request used Range: bytes=0-. [#2237]


  • Fixed an edge case that could lead to build errors when other plugins generate assets. [#2219]


  • The message event listener is now added earlier, inside of the constructor rather than the register() method. [#2211]


Special thanks to @lukas2005 for their bug reports, and @azizhk for their contributions that went into this release!

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