github GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom GE-Proton8-4
Wine-GE-Proton8-4 Released

latest releases: GE-Proton8-26, GE-Proton8-27-LoL, GE-Proton8-26-LoL...
22 months ago
  • Hotfix: I forgot to apply the de-steamify patch in 8-3 so this re-applies it. Essentually this makes wine go back to its normal behavior of using the standard user instead of 'steamuser' and doesn't create document folders or symlinks for steamuser when a new prefix is made. It also fixes some search pathing and steamclient related linking.
  • Hotfix: disable staging winex11 patches so they don't interfere with proton's window management

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