This fixes a number of bugs, and actually should have been a minor release because it has a new feature. You can now ignore part of history when running gitversion. This is handy when GitVersion is calculating the wrong version because of a badly named branch or something.
- #860 - NullReferenceException on missing .git folder contributed by Asbjørn Ulsberg (asbjornu)
- #859 - Update AssemblyInfo files checkbox does not work
- #856 - Working Travis build contributed by Asbjørn Ulsberg (asbjornu)
- #855 - TFS build task incorrectly setting updateAssemblyInfoFlag
- #853 - Ugly NullReferenceException if not in a git repo
- #852 - NullReferenceException running GitVersion after branching off
- #851 - Allow ignoring part of history when calculating version (issue #538) contributed by Christopher Leigh (Tungsten78)
- #850 - Working Travis build contributed by Asbjørn Ulsberg (asbjornu)
- #849 - Reduce depth for JSON conversion to maximum allowed 100 contributed by Pascal Berger (pascalberger)
- #847 - Fix updateAssemblyInfo argument in VSTS task contributed by Pascal Berger (pascalberger)
- #846 - AssemblyInfo are updated even if check box is not selected +fix
- #844 - Version 3.5 crashes Visual Studio
- #843 - Don't add extra debug info for /updateassemblyinfo +fix
- #842 - VSO GitVersion breaks MSBuild
- #841 - VSTS fails when calling the GitVersion task (System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'git2-381caf5')
Commits: 22d265d...7b53187