As part of this release we had 63 issues closed.
- #1691 Allow overriding of the config file path
- #1654 Initial support of Drone
- #1599 Adding support to generate WiX version files
- #1591 Support for Team Foundation Server merge messages
- #1580 Integrate GitTool.Core code into GitVersion
- #1572 Docker naming scheme
- #1571 CentOS 7 docker based image
- #1488 Enable custom merge message formats via configuration
- #1451 Support for generic build servers, improved scripting support
- #1433 Provide a way to translate the PreReleaseLabel (alpha, beta etc) to a numeric value to avoid version collisions
- #1401 TfsTask - Add 'path' parameter
- #1378 Support for Team Foundation Server merge messages
- #1758 #1754 Allow head to move when switching branches for dynamic repositories
- #1733 Latest GitVersionTask betas (since 5.0.0-beta3-44) fail on dotnet build
- #1665 GitVersion Azure Pipelines Task fails on linux
- #1643 GitVersionTask throws logging exceptions when task is reused, causing builds to fail.
- #1635 [Bugfix] CommitsSinceVersionSource decreases upon deleting a merged Release branch
- #1610 GitVersion .Net Core (Preview) Azure DevOps task error
- #1606 GitVersion cannot find remote master or develop from inherited branch config
- #1590 [Configuration Bugfix] source-branches is overwritten even if explicitly specified in the config
- #1553 GitVersion produces incompilable code if AssemblyInformationalVersion not defined for F#
- #1550 4.0.1-beta1-53: Fails to find the LibGit2Sharp.
- #1541 Ignore version numbers in branch names that are not release branches.
- #1540 Always compute mainline version with mainline commits
- #1536 Why do version numbers in branch names change the calculated version?
- #1525 Merging from develop to feature branch causes MinorPatch to change
- #1517 VSTS GitVersion Task Icon is Missing in build
- #1446 [Bugfix] Wrong version number observed in a feature branch after a tagged develop is merged into it
- #1410 [Bugfix] GitVersion crashes if there are multiple branches containing the keyword develop and the current branch has Increment policy set to Inherit with current commit being a merge commit
- #1275 GitVersion produces version with wrong commit count (release branch with feature branches on it)
- #1183 GitVersion produces incompilable code if AssemblyInformationalVersion not defined for F#
- #1035 Incorrect mainline version being calculated
- #520 HotFix tag affecting develop
- #1724 added option to disable gitversiontask on build
- #1713 LibGit2Sharp update to 0.26.0 (2)
- #1704 Comply with the SemVer2.0 format in Metadata
- #1686 Enhance logic of getting current branch in case of drone
- #1657 SVG logo
- #1647 Add WiX define constants
- #1616 Make VSO Agent more robust
- #1605 Update GitVersionBuild.targets
- #1596 Add some tests for making a feature branch off of a release or a hotfix branch
- #1594 Added path parameter to the TfsTask
- #1593 Invalid release version after commit beetween merge release to develop
- #1584 Parallelize unit tests
- #1581 Removed GitTools.Core dependency
- #1562 GitVersion.exe is misspelled as GiVersion.exe
- #1537 Stability of MSBuild integration for future .NET Core releases
- #1487 Refactoring of merge message class
- #1473 GitVersionTask on the dotnet SDK docker image (microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk; Debian 9)