github GetStream/stream-chat-android v6.0.0-beta5

latest releases: v6.12.0, v6.11.0, v6.10.0...
18 months ago

August 25th, 2023 - 6.0.0-beta5

I hope you're interested in our latest major release - v6.0.0-beta5! We're currently in the process of preparing migration guides and updating all of our
documentation, but in the meantime, you can look into what we plan to release in v6 of Android Chat.

If you want to learn more about these changes and our decisions, check out our Android Chat v6 Blog Post.


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed LinkAttachmentView to open the correct link when the attachment is clicked. #4930

✅ Added

  • Added MessageComposerViewModelBinder for Java parity with Kotlin's MessageComposerViewModel.bindView extension function. #4931

⚠️ Changed

  • Changed MessageListView.setCustomItemAnimator signature to allow passing null to reset the item animator. #4933

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