github GetStream/stream-chat-android v5.11.5-hotfix

latest releases: v6.12.0, v6.11.0, v6.10.0...
2 years ago


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixing postponing api calls to avoid showing empty screen in the wrong moment. #4344

✅ Added

  • Added thumbUrl field to the return type of the FileUploader::sendImage method, so that clients are able to return image thumb URL when implementing their custom FileUploader. #4423


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an edge case in which deleting an attachment using the attachment gallery would not delete it given the message was freshly uploaded. #4349
  • When a user uploads image attachments in a message that contains links, the link attachments are no longer displayed inside the attachment gallery along with the image attachments. #4399


⬆️ Improved

  • When a user uploads image attachments in a message that contains links, the link attachments are no longer displayed inside the attachment gallery along with the image attachments. #4399

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