github GetStream/stream-chat-android 4.27.0

latest releases: v6.12.1, v6.12.0, v6.11.0...
3 years ago


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed bug related to the wrong unread messages count when a socket connection is not available. #2927
  • Fixed deserialization issue when parsing the Message object while searching for a message from a channel with 0 members. #2947

✅ Added

  • Added the systemMessage parameter to ChatClient::truncateChannel and ChannelClient:truncate methods that represents a system message that will be displayed after the channel was truncated. #2949
  • Added the message parameter to the ChannelTruncatedEvent that represents a system message that will be displayed after the channel was truncated. #2949
  • Added method to consult the settings of the app. Use ChatClient.instance().appSettings() to request the settings of your app. #2960
  • Added ChatClient.shuffleGiphy extension function and removing ShuffleGiphy use case. #2962
  • Added ChatClient.sendGiphy extension function and removing SendGiphy use case. #2963
  • Added Channel::ownCapabilities and ChannelCapabilities object.
    Channel capabilities provide you information on which features are available for the current user. #2971

⚠️ Changed

  • Deprecated ChatDomain.leaveChannel. Use ChatClient.removeMembers instead. #2926


⬆️ Improved

  • Utilized the message parameter of the ChannelTruncatedEvent to show a system message instantly after the channel was truncated. #2949

✅ Added

  • Added new extension function ChatClient::cancelMessage. #2928
  • Added ChatClient::needsMarkRead extension function to check if a channel can be marked as read. #2920

⚠️ Changed

  • Deprecated ChatDomain::cancelMessage in favour of ChatClient::cancelMessage. #2928


🐞 Fixed

  • Handling video attachments that's don't have mime-type, but have type. 2919
  • Intercepted and blocked attachment preview for attachments which are not fully uploaded. #2950
  • Fixed a bug when changes to the mentioned users in a message were not propagated to the UI. 2951

⬆️ Improved

  • Improve Korean 🇰🇷 translations. #2953


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed crashes caused by deleting channels #2942

⬆️ Improved

  • ReactionOptions now displays the option to show more reactions if there are more than 5 available #2918
  • Improve Korean 🇰🇷 translations. #2953
  • Improved MessageComposer UX by disabling commands when attachments or text are present. #2961
  • Improved MessageComposer UX by disabling attachment integration button when popups with suggestions are present. #2961

✅ Added

  • Added ExtendedReactionsOptions and ReactionsPicker in order to improve reaction picking UX #2918
  • Added documentation for ReactionsPicker #2918
  • Added ways to customize the channel, message and member query limit when building a ChannelListViewModel #2948

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