github GetStream/stream-chat-android 4.10.0

latest releases: v6.12.0, v6.11.0, v6.10.0...
3 years ago


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed the usage of ProgressCallback in ChannelClient::sendFile and ChannelClient::sendImage methods.

✅ Added

  • Added ChannelClient::deleteFile and ChannelClient::deleteImage methods.
  • Added NotificationInviteRejectedEvent
  • Added member field to the NotificationRemovedFromChannel event
  • Added totalUnreadCount and unreadChannels fields to the following events:
  • notification.channel_truncated
  • notification.added_to_channel
  • notification.channel_deleted
  • Added channel field to the NotificationInviteAcceptedEvent event
  • Added channel field to the NotificationInviteRejectedEvent event

⚠️ Changed

  • The client now uses a new serialization implementation by default, which was previously available as an opt-in API.
    • This new implementation is more performant and greatly improves type safety in the networking code of the SDK.
    • If you experience any issues after upgrading to this version of the SDK, you can call useNewSerialization(false) when building your ChatClient to revert to using the old implementation. Note however that we'll be removing the old implementation soon, so please report any issues found.
    • To check if the new implementation is causing any failures in your app, enable error logging on ChatClient with the logLevel method, and look for the NEW_SERIALIZATION_ERROR tag in your logs while using the SDK.
  • Made the user field in channel.hidden and notification.invite_accepter events non nullable.
  • Updated channels state after NotificationInviteRejectedEvent or NotificationInviteAcceptedEvent is received

❌ Removed

  • Removed redundant events which can only be received by using webhooks:
    • channel.created
    • channel.muted
    • channel.unmuted
    • channel.muted
    • channel.unmuted
  • Removed watcherCount field from the following events as they are not returned with the server response:
    • message.deleted
    • message.updated
    • notification.mark_read
  • Removed user field from the following events as they are not returned with the server response:
    • notification.channel_deleted
    • notification.channel_truncated


🐞 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue when CustomFilter was configured with an int value but the value from the API was a double value

⚠️ Changed

  • Changed the upload logic in ChannelController for the images unsupported by the Stream CDN. Now such images are uploaded as files via ChannelClient::sendFile method.

❌ Removed


⬆️ Improved

  • Updated ExoPlayer version to 2.13.3

⚠️ Changed

  • Deprecated MessageInputViewModel::editMessage. Use MessageInputViewModel::messageToEdit and MessageInputViewModel::postMessageToEdit instead.
  • Changed MessageInputViewModel::repliedMessage type to LiveData. Use ChatDomain::setMessageForReply for setting message for reply.
  • Changed MessageListViewModel::mode type to LiveData. Mode is handled internally and shouldn't be modified outside the SDK.


🐞 Fixed

  • Removed empty badge for selected media attachments.

✅ Added

  • Added messageLimit argument to ChannelListViewModel and ChannelListViewModelFactory constructors to allow changing the number of fetched messages for each channel in the channel list.

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