github GetDKAN/dkan 7.x-1.13.2

latest releases: 2.19.2, 2.19.1, 2.19.0...
7 years ago

DKAN 1.13.2 Release Notes

This is a "patch" release of DKAN, containing bug fixes and minor updates, but adding no new functionality.

See full 1.13 release notes here.

Improvements in this release

  • Updated documentation.
  • DKAN Datastore: fixed null values being imported as 0.
  • Fixed errors related to the open_data_schema_apis_features_rebuild() function.
  • Fixed errors when users with content creator role are editing or adding resources.
  • Fixed access to the POD validation screen for site managers.
  • Fixed access to the featured groups block for anonymous users.
  • DKAN Harvest: fixed permissions for the site manager role, they now have access to the cache, delete, harvest, and migrate bulk operations from the Harvest Dashboard.
  • DKAN Harvest: added support for importing contact name and contact email.
  • Updated contrib modules: services, visualization_entity and views.

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