This is a "patch" release of DKAN, containing bug fixes and minor updates to DKAN 7.x-1.12, but adding no new functionality. Upgrading should be straightforward.
Improvements in this release
- Updates contrib modules (uuid, services, manualcrop, markdown, panelizer, panopoly_widgets and panopoly_images).
- Fixes a bug that produced a "Cannot use a scalar value" error when users trying to add a content pane to a data story node in panels.
- Changes theming on resources to remove iframe to "API or link URL" if remote file field also populated. The only real use-case this applies to is when harvesting datasets from a data.json that includes both an accessURL and a downloadURL for a single distribution; both these fields should not be used at once on resouces created using the node form.
- Updates the options in the Dataset "frequency" field to reflect ISO 8601 standards for DCAT and Project Open Data
- Provides a simple file proxy to serve remote CSVs through local domain and resolve cross-origin issues with previews n these resources
- Somes changes to the Resource node form to improve the UX of links and file attachments, especially by replacing the label "Link to an API" to "API or Website URL."
- Fix bug on relative paths for links in theme template files, which caused some links to break when DKAN lives at a subdirectory rather than a website's domain root.
- Fixes a minor typo in the DKAN topics menu link that was exposed by the XSS fix in the 7.x-1.12.6 release.