github Geektoolkit/Dynaframe3 2.04
2.04 - USB / NAS support, WebUI overhaul (Prerelease)

latest releases: 2.24, 2.23, 2.22...
pre-release3 years ago

This is an alpha release of a reworked folder engine to allow for multiple source folders. While the 'my pictures' folder is still default, you can now add arbitrary folders. This should allow for USB drives, Samba shares, NAS drives etc to be added. These have to be created manually on the device, however in the webUI you can how add the path once it's setup. These paths get 'added' so it allows for multiple sources (You can now use a USB drive, the my pictures folder AND a NAS drive if you want for instance). Each 'SearchDirectory" as I call them can be selected as 'all' so that it'd use 'all folders on the USB Drive". There is no concept of 'all files from all sources' yet.

I reworked the webpage...I got tired of looking at the old one. This is still bad, but less bad. I'll keep at it. I'm hoping to get thumbnails working which I think would be really nice.

I've updated the to try to keep the screen on. Still fighting that bug.

I've also made a change so that when you update a setting or change a folder, you don't have to wait the full time before you see it. So if you're on a 60 second transition and you switch folders, it should happen immediately.

Note: I added a '10 second shutdown' however it doesn't appear to function at this time.

This was alot of code churn and likely caused new bugs. We'll work through them and then I'll work on rewriting the video engine.

I believe this will install this (untested...this is really early at this point)
sudo wget && bash; rm -f ; sudo reboot

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