github GearsProgress/Poke_Transporter_GB 1.0.0

latest releases: 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1...
6 months ago

Please note that while Poké Transporter GB is no longer in beta, save data backups are still recommended... just in case!

  • Graphics have been completely redone thanks to LG Birdman!
  • Updated the Gen 3 event to include a fan-favorite character!
  • Fixed a lot of bugs under the hood!
  • Modified the mythical conversion process to keep moves, nicknames, and level
  • Updated box to show modifications made to mythical Pokémon
  • Added a restriction to Pokémon holding items

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project and made v1.0.0 what it is!!

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