github GalleyBytes/terraform-operator v0.13.0
v0.13.0 release

latest releases: v0.17.1, v0.17.1-beta1, v0.17.0...
18 months ago

Changes in v0.13.0 since v0.12.1


  • The secrets used in the k8s tf-resource now have the option of being locked with a finalizer to prevent the removal of the secret from blocking tf workflows. (c897d42 @kepiukik)


  • Fixed deletion behavior which accidentally changed a "delete" workflow back to a "create" workflow. Once deleted, further changes are applied as changes to the delete workflow. (e42274a)


  • The default scripts that execute in the tasks are no longer downloads from github. Scripts are now embeded in pkg/controllers/scripts.

Breaking Changes

  • Default images for tasks are updated which the major change being the addition of the env TFO_TASK_EXEC_INLINE_SOURCE_FILE GalleyBytes/terraform-operator-tasks@525aabf Users who have not configured spec.images do not need to do anything.

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