github Galileo-Galilei/kedro-mlflow 0.7.4
Release 0.7.4

latest releases: 0.12.2, 0.12.1, 0.12.0...
2 years ago

[0.7.4] - 2021-08-30


  • ✨ Create an MlflowMetricDataSet to simplify the existing metric API. It enables logging a single float as a metric, eventually automatically increasing the "step" if the metric is going to be updated during time (#73)
  • ✨ Create an MlflowMetricHistoryDataSet to simplify the existing metric API. It enables logging the evolution of a given metric during training. (#73)


  • 🐛 Dictionnary parameters with integer keys are now properly logged in mlflow when flatten_dict_params is set to True in the mlflow.yml instead of raising a TypeError (#224)
  • 🐛 The user defined sep parameter of the mlflow.yml (defined in node section) is now used even if the parameters dictionnary has a depth>=2 (#230)


  • ♻️ Move flatten_dict function to hooks.utils folder and rename it _flatten_dict to make more explicit that it is not a user facing function which should not be used directly and comes with no guarantee. This is not considered as a breaking change since it is an undocumented function.
  • 🗑️ Deprecate MlflowMetricsDataSet in favor of the 2 new datasets MlflowMetricDataSet and MlflowMetricHistoryDataSet newly added. It will be removed in kedro-mlflow==0.8.0.

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