github GAM-team/GAM v7.02.11
GAM 7.02.11

latest releases: v7.03.00, 20250127.001332
3 days ago


Updated gam report <ActivityApplicationName> to display id:<actor.profileId> in the emailAddress column
when is empty. This typically occurs when the actor is not in your workspace.

Updated gam <UserTypeEntity> copy drivefile to ignore ACLs referencing deleted user/groups.


Added option bydate to gam report <ActivityApplicationName> ... countsonly that provides an additional display option.

  • countsonly - Display a row per user across all dates with all event counts on one row
  • countsonly bydate - Display a row per user per date for all dates with any events with all events counts on the row
  • countsonly summary - Display a row per event with counts for each event summarized across users and dates

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