github GAM-team/GAM v7.02.03
GAM 7.02.03

9 hours ago
  • 7.02.03

Added option archive to gam <UserTypeEntity> update license <NewSKUID> from <OldSKUID> that causes GAM
to archive <UserTypeEntity> after updating their license to <NewSKUID>. This will be used when you want to
archive a user with a non-archivable license. The <NewSKUID> license is assigned to the user and it then converts
to the equivalent Archived User license when the user is archived.

<NewSKUID> must be one of the following SKUs:

Google-Apps-Unlimited - G Suite Business
1010020020 - Google Workspace Enterprise Plus
1010020025 - Google Workspace Business Plus
1010020026 - Google Workspace Enterprise Standard
1010020027 - Google Workspace Business Starter
1010020028 - Google Workspace Business Standard

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