github FuryBaguette/SwitchLayoutEditor beta15
Release 15

21 months ago


  • Experimental bflan templats support, this allows to write json templates which can be used to automate the ceration of elements in animation (bflan) files
    • Each template has a json 'manifest' that defines properties and name and an actual implementation file, the implementation file is set in the 'FileName' field of this manifest, the implementation is a json but the values are replaced at runtime with the 'macros' defined in Parameters in the manifest, the actual values are picked from a GUI at runtime.
    • The various options are not currently documented anywhere refer to the BflanTemplates.cs file in the source code
    • A simple "Animate color" template is provided, it's composed of a .template file and a .json descriptor
  • Builds are now generated with Github actions

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