github FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle 2.0.0-BETA1
2.0 is on its way !

latest releases: 3.8.0, 3.7.1, 3.7.0...
pre-release8 years ago

FOSRestBundle 1.8 doesn't come alone.

You want something big ?
FOSRestBundle 2.0 is here !

Some reasons to migrate to this version as soon as possible:

  • support of files upload through the ParamFetcher
  • the ability to disable the bundle listeners when the request is in a specific state
  • a new ControllerTrait to fit all your needs
  • a decoupled ExceptionController to not depend on twig anymore
  • the replacement of the ExceptionWrapper by normalizers (that way you can customize the exception controller output easily).

Again thank you to all our contributors and specifically to @lsmith77 and @xabbuh !

Enjoy !

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