- 3 new playable creatures: Stomper, Vehemoth, Golden Wyrm
- 3 new epic sound tracks
- one new combat location
- revamped some abilities
- balancing creatures stats
- revamped the music player
- UI usability enhancements
- a ton of bug fixes all around
- partial code base restructuring
- development workflow tweaks
- several documentation updates
- online multiplayer closed beta
- our project token called XatteR
Over 480 issues closed, you can see list over here:
What's Changed
- Grunt on heroku by @ktiedt in #1122
- Loading-bar implemented #1123 by @Sharkoon1 in #1131
- Added grunt-express-server to grunt tasks to automatically start server on grunt by @Sharkoon1 in #1133
- Less is more by @ktiedt in #1136
- Build clean up by @ktiedt in #1137
- Fixes #1100 by @DreadKnight in #1138
- updated data.json for scavenger, to make ability cost appear inline in UI by @thamaranth in #1141
- fixed UI for start button by @thamaranth in #1143
- fixes #1105 - Avoid multiple deaths and bugs because of it by abortin… by @ktiedt in #1149
- Fixes #1098 - this may not be the best fix, but it appears typeOver f… by @ktiedt in #1150
- Fixes #1146 by guarding against invalid object references by @ktiedt in #1148
- stop music playing via game.js by @GeneralMeow in #1144
- Moved out a lot of code into different files by @Sharkoon1 in #1156
- Related to #1123 - less DOM, less CSS, less JS == WIN! by @ktiedt in #1157
- This removes the excessive copy rules from the Gruntfile by @ktiedt in #1160
- Massive cleanup by @ktiedt in #1162
- Its dataaaaa not dataaaas by @ktiedt in #1166
- Simple cleanup in how creature data is loaded by @ktiedt in #1167
- Fixes #1168 by @ktiedt in #1170
- additional fix for #1168 by @ktiedt in #1171
- This should fix #1151 by @ktiedt in #1172
- fixes #1173 by @ktiedt in #1182
- Fixes #1175 by @ktiedt in #1181
- fixes spa Goggles toggle bug by @thamaranth in #1191
- Potential fix for #1158 by @DreadKnight in #1159
- Fixes #1193 - Updated phaser to 2.7.10ce by @ktiedt in #1194
- updating contribution and readme markdowns by @ktiedt in #1198
- don't cancel selected ability while escaping dash by @schnellboot in #1197
- Round marker cursor is now of type "helper" by @schnellboot in #1199
- switch to same unit in dash by @schnellboot in #1200
- refactored projectile method from old code in snow bunny ice spit by @yoel123 in #1213
- Removed 'Canceled' after selecting creature for materialization by @rjordanbarnes in #1222
- Reworked card anchor to more consistently fit text. by @d3caf in #1221
- 'Canceled' now appears when selecting an ability while one is active by @rjordanbarnes in #1226
- Added loading cursor to loading screen by @rjordanbarnes in #1227
- Comments's spelling review by @TheMyopist in #1228
- Documentation cleanup and a few formatting fixes by @ktiedt in #1229
- Units now face the correct direction when using Area of Effect abilities by @rjordanbarnes in #1230
- Add Screen Shake to Uncle Fungus & Add
to .gitignore file by @medallyon in #1234 - Priest no longer turns after getting hit by @rjordanbarnes in #1235
- Added support for hover off handler in the hex to allow toggle of info by @ShaneWalsh in #1240
- Godlet Dashboard Toggle by @sammorrow in #1237
- Removed the creature player style from inactive creatures so they sim… by @ShaneWalsh in #1244
- Revert "Godlet Dashboard Toggle" by @DreadKnight in #1245
- UI issues #1249 #1246 #1238 by @ShaneWalsh in #1256
- Fix #1196 by @medallyon in #1259
- Prototype delete #1216 by @ktiedt in #1257
- Fixes #1266 by @ktiedt in #1267
- Fixes #1269 by @ktiedt in #1270
- Fixed bug that caused the game to crash when picking up drops by @iBlackShadow in #1271
- Fixes #1262 - Added support for hashes and made it the default output… by @ktiedt in #1268
- Fixes #1272 by @ktiedt in #1273
- UI Issues #1248 and #1247 by @ShaneWalsh in #1258
- Fixed bug on triggerDeleteEffect function that crashed the game by @iBlackShadow in #1278
- redone godlet randomzer by @sammorrow in #1280
- #1274 Selecting a non active creature multiple times bigger drop by @ShaneWalsh in #1279
- issue 730 self highlight resolved by always calling creature highligh… by @ShaneWalsh in #1283
- fix for colored frame for selected ability #1281 by @rootCause87 in #1284
- Fixed issue #739 by @iBlackShadow in #1285
- Addressing #1252: drops offer score points by @dusty-wil in #1286
- Issue_1250 by @ShaneWalsh in #1290
- Issue_1291: resolved the hex highlighting issue when selecting a hex … by @ShaneWalsh in #1293
- #1298: Unit names changed from red to white in the dash (in-game) section by @Amaros90 in #1299
- G.gamelog.get('save') will now save the game log to a file by @Amaros90 in #1300
- Glow passive ability by @TommyDong1998 in #1304
- AD_1296: Removing previous change and adding support for parameter ta… by @ShaneWalsh in #1297
- Updated workflow to use ES6 modules, webpack and yarn by @RobinVdBroeck in #1309
- Fix Windows build issue by @tiffanystallings in #1315
- warning should not overlap #1185 by @danieldiaz14 in #1314
- Fixes for #1322 by @ktiedt in #1326
- Update webpack and other modules (faster builds) and add live-rebuild… by @ktiedt in #1328
- Issue 962 by @ktiedt in #1333
- Fixes #1331 by @ktiedt in #1332
- Issue #1336 solved by @Stopczyt in #1338
- Issue #454 by @marcel-odya in #1339
- Resolved issues: #845, #1320 by @marcel-odya in #1341
- Fixes #1342 by @ktiedt in #1343
- Fixed screen rescaling and added cross-env for better cross platform development by @paezao in #1345
- MouseWheel event fixed by @paezao in #1346
- Inverted wheel hability scrolling by @paezao in #1348
- fix: dash player tabs broken by @tristanmkernan in #1349
- refactor PR #1349 by @tristanmkernan in #1350
- feat: show disabled cursor for cancel action by @tristanmkernan in #1351
- prevent massive performance drop on canvas mouseout by ignoring… by @tristanmkernan in #1356
- materialization ability selectable after usage by @tristanmkernan in #1357
- remove grey line from active unit in unit queue by @tristanmkernan in #1359
- shrink pre-match settings display by @tristanmkernan in #1360
- don't show status indicator by @tristanmkernan in #1361
- broken Chimera ultimate by @tristanmkernan in #1364
- game logs get/play, fixes #1366 by @DreadKnight in #1367
- remove cursor loading state once setup is complete by @tristanmkernan in #1369
- initialize Headless unit abilities to fix issue where unit does not spawn by @tristanmkernan in #1368
- do not apply Scavenger's Deadly Toxin effect when unit shields the attack by @tristanmkernan in #1370
- don't animate active unit's UI on kill by @tristanmkernan in #1372
- NaN pickup drop score by @tristanmkernan in #1371
- Fix: No fleeing bonus applied to players that have won or have been … by @bolivierjr in #1379
- remove random location option; on startup, pre-select a random location by @tristanmkernan in #1380
- allow units to walk back a single hex by @tristanmkernan in #1381
- accessible score screen by @tristanmkernan in #1383
- dash view hotkey by @tristanmkernan in #1391
- when mouse leaves hex, return cursor to default state by @tristanmkernan in #1390
- center prematch content by @tristanmkernan in #1362
- resolve many lint issues; update lint rules by @tristanmkernan in #1394
- refactor: small lint rule changes; lint about half of the units by @tristanmkernan in #1397
- feat: Cancel selected ability hotkey by @bolivierjr in #1399
- fix: Hotkeys disabled while targeting by @bolivierjr in #1404
- finish fixing lint by fixing errors or moving errors to warnings; add basic travis config and test command by @tristanmkernan in #1401
- Switch views when using hotkeys by @IgnacioCartes in #1405
- resolve formatting errors automagically with eslint by @tristanmkernan in #1406
- unit death fails when effects active by @tristanmkernan in #1407
- invisible Abolished wildfire traps by @tristanmkernan in #1410
- greater pyre improved visual targeting by @tristanmkernan in #1411
- tentacle bush shouldn't trigger for DOTs by @tristanmkernan in #1412
- autofocus the first form element to enable "press enter to start the game" functionality by @tristanmkernan in #1413
- update docs to be more helpful during setup by @tristanmkernan in #1414
- basic upgrade bonus by @tristanmkernan in #1418
- right click to reveal unit details by @tristanmkernan in #1421
- show ability damage and cost in tooltip by @tristanmkernan in #1427
- NaN kills score by @tristanmkernan in #1428
- lint should check all relevant js files by @tristanmkernan in #1425
- Fix: #warning google link shadow and text color by @bolivierjr in #1434
- ability hotkeys (toggling/switching/cancelling) by @bolivierjr in #1435
- Ability scrollwheel direction by @bolivierjr in #1436
- Scavanger now flies all the time (Issue #1023) by @AT1452 in #1437
- Added end match sound by @pranav1698 in #1443
- #1444 - Fixing horizontal canvas rescale problems by @johnnybigoode-zz in #1446
- Fixes warhorn not doing damage when nutcase activates a trap on his path by @iBlackShadow in #1451
- fixed bug that caused traps being constantly removed if they were on an hex that had a trap before by @iBlackShadow in #1450
- Fixed game crashing when the active creature dies by @iBlackShadow in #1452
- Fixes #1448 by @ktiedt in #1454
- Fixes flying animation calculating the wrong direction by @iBlackShadow in #1455
- Fixes #1340 by @ktiedt in #1456
- Fixes #622 by @ktiedt in #1458
- Remove reference to global AB - #1264 by @ktiedt in #1457
- Fixes #1459 by @ktiedt in #1460
- Update some flex CSS options for setup menu and migrate a big chuck o… by @ktiedt in #1466
- Fixes #1476 - remove yarn and replace with npm commands by @ktiedt in #1477
- A possible fix for heroku deploys - fixes #1478 by @ktiedt in #1479
- Maybe fixes heroku... by @ktiedt in #1480
- removed jQueryUI usage from setup screen by @ktiedt in #1486
- Fix for #1468 by @rdgolden in #1489
- fixed score screen 1467 by @rdgolden in #1490
- Closes #1484: Mention local server address by @tomegz in #1492
- Activating Open Collective by @monkeywithacupcake in #1501
- Chat window peek 3 lines on hover feature by @ppierzchalka in #1502
- Fix typo's by @LucasBPM in #1509
- Fixes #1511 by @ktiedt in #1514
- Fixes #1512 by @ktiedt in #1515
- Apparently this is needed to fix #1512 completely by @ktiedt in #1516
- Fixes #1518 by @ktiedt in #1521
- Close button hover animation by @thischrisblack in #1525
- Fix hover on touch devices by @TheSeally in #1526
- Fixed the closing of the music player (issue #1519) by @TheSeally in #1531
- Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 by @dependabot in #1535
- Bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 by @dependabot in #1534
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in #1533
- Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 by @dependabot in #1532
- fixed cards not updating when selecting a locked creature by @jeltedeproft in #1536
- Revert "fixed cards not updating when selecting a locked creature" by @DreadKnight in #1537
- Revert "Revert "fixed cards not updating when selecting a locked creature"" by @DreadKnight in #1538
- added q hotkey closes dash view by @jeltedeproft in #1539
- Fix game starting on mobile by @TheSeally in #1540
- add cursor pointer to start button by @TheSeally in #1541
- Update combat log cursor #724 by @kubikill in #1543
- Fix full screen mode (#1546) by @TheSeally in #1549
- Issue 851 by @c3ho in #1552
- Fix full screen button behavior #1550 by @TheSeally in #1554
- Fixes 1517 by @ktiedt in #1564
- Fix weird rule error w/ESLINT - related to #1517 by @ktiedt in #1565
- Issue 1553 by @c3ho in #1555
- Updating packages and configs which should fix our eslint problems by @ktiedt in #1567
- Another reason abilities need to be refactored... fixes #1563 by @ktiedt in #1571
- fix: mouse wheel and arrow key functions in dash by @bolivierjr in #1574
- feat: easier unit selection in dash and changed audio hotkey. by @bolivierjr in #1578
- fix .gitpod.yml by @svenefftinge in #1581
- Hotkeys using shift modifier by @s-arika in #1583
- Update Readme by @Anirban166 in #1601
- Fixed some typos in functions and comments. by @jxuan101 in #1604
- fixes issue #1570 + #1569 + #1559 by @classicmatsuo in #1606
- fixes issue #1568 by @classicmatsuo in #1607
- Fixes Issue #1573 by @CameronFoss in #1608
- don't display tooltips offscreen #1508 by @oddthread in #1609
- fixes issue #1610 by @classicmatsuo in #1611
- Fixes #1575, added a jquery line to display button by @c3ho in #1614
- Fix z-index issue that made some UI parts to be unreachable by @gion in #1618
- Round all corners of card background on hover by @raynathanlow in #1622
- Fix linting by removing useless rules and packages by @RobinVdBroeck in #1625
- Bump acorn from 6.3.0 to 6.4.1 by @dependabot in #1626
- Tooling upgrade by @RobinVdBroeck in #1627
- Energy bar doesn't go into negative on hover by @raynathanlow in #1623
- Revert "Tooling upgrade" by @DreadKnight in #1628
- slide out already used abilities #1562 by @rianconley in #1632
- GitHub actions setup by @RobinVdBroeck in #1641
- Update dependencies by @RobinVdBroeck in #1642
- Optimize asset loader by @RobinVdBroeck in #1643
- Update webpack build to be simpler by @RobinVdBroeck in #1644
- Prettier update by @RobinVdBroeck in #1645
- Server cleanup by @RobinVdBroeck in #1646
- slide-in abilities if currently usable #1635 by @rianconley in #1647
- Adding fullscreen button during gameplay by @kaylina140 in #1651
- fix for toggle regression by @rianconley in #1666
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 by @dependabot in #1667
- Load units based on playable configuration data by @willianveiga in #1680
- modified animation function to fix turn around by @nourazekry in #1682
- ability upgrade event by @BLBLBI in #1685
- Refactor full screen code by @willianveiga in #1684
- half opacity icon by @BLBLBI in #1690
- Fix Chimera's ping-pong bug by @MartinFlores751 in #1694
- issue N1695 solved by @Max0nyshchenko in #1696
- hover on locked unit gives makes cursor not-allowed by @Max0nyshchenko in #1697
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 by @dependabot in #1703
- Issue 1115 solved by @Max0nyshchenko in #1704
- Set fullScreenScaleMode by @Vorlent in #1709
- issue #1691 by @dylanelliott27 in #1708
- display icon for cycle abilities by @TheGuardianWolf in #1731
- ability background black on hover by @Max0nyshchenko in #1739
- Solve stat card animation issue by @zaryanz in #1750
- Make abolished turn toward target during fiery claw animation by @leopoldwe in #1744
- interface rescale on mobile devices #1505 by @Max0nyshchenko in #1751
- Fiery claw projectile hit location consistency by @leopoldwe in #1754
- #1752: Change opacity specificity to disabled buttons only by @kiwioyster in #1757
- Make snowbunny only jump away during an enemy's turn. by @leopoldwe in #1758
- Fixed linting issues by @devcer in #1760
- Lock cursor for locked cards by @TheSeally in #1761
- Fix bounce portraits in queue #1762 by @TheSeally in #1763
- Hotfix #1763 by @TheSeally in #1764
- Stomper abilities by @BLBLBI in #1718
- Enable energy cost update on cards for locked unit by @ChengYuuu in #1766
- Prematch UI overhaul for smartphones by @Vorlent in #1717
- #1753 "proper" scoreboard on mobile (with Emoji) by @Ryuuko in #1767
- #1753 "proper" scoreboard on mobile by @Ryuuko in #1755
- added condition to disable upgrade events when ability upgrades are enabled by @pivovarnikj in #1769
- Center combat location by @ChengYuuu in #1774
- Nakama by @rianconley in #1765
- Nakama by @rianconley in #1785
- Preview unit in queue while materializing by @raynathanlow in #1782
- Improve music player by @TheSeally in #1789
- Implement Vehemoth basic ability by @ChengYuuu in #1794
- Vehemoth passive ability by @leopoldwe in #1813
- Fixed positioning of loading text by @jamesleeat in #1819
- Replaced flee for fullscreen button in match UI by @jamesleeat in #1820
- Moved flee button to score screen by @jamesleeat in #1821
- Implement Golden Wyrm's passive ability. by @leopoldwe in #1822
- Icy Talon tooltip tweak (issues #594) by @ItsPatrq in #1823
- #1777 exit button by @ItsPatrq in #1824
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 by @dependabot in #1826
- #1825: stop end game audio when exiting by @ItsPatrq in #1827
- Fixed Issue 633, Slight refactor in hexgrid to remove duplicate code by @CKillen in #1828
- Fixed issue-1804 by @CKillen in #1833
- Fixed Issues 1830 and 1829. Small refactoring of functions touched by @CKillen in #1831
- Added modified bounce to character portraits by @pamons12 in #1837
- Update styles.less by @GlebShulga in #1848
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 by @dependabot in #1849
- Corrected text for multiple abilities by @GrantsGithub in #1855
- Fixed issues with Greedy Knight, Vertigo, Mr. Stitches, Swampler, and Royal Guard not displaying correct abilities by @pamons12 in #1859
- Bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot in #1868
- Updated some ability info to be more clear and grammatically correct by @rcoker6 in #1858
- Issue #1857 by @Montrel-code in #1869
- Bump underscore from 1.10.2 to 1.12.1 by @dependabot in #1876
- Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 by @dependabot in #1877
- Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.1 by @dependabot in #1878
- Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in #1874
- fix logging for multiplayer by @rianconley in #1875
- Bump browserslist from 4.11.1 to 4.16.6 by @dependabot in #1885
- Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 by @dependabot in #1886
- Bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 by @dependabot in #1887
- Bump postcss from 7.0.27 to 7.0.36 by @dependabot in #1888
- Bump tar from 4.4.13 to 4.4.15 by @dependabot in #1896
- enable 2vs2 game mode in hotseat by @TheSeally in #1910
- (fix): update playerMode heading to online in multiPlayermode by @gauravsoni119 in #1909
- Fix/1801 refactoring save hotkey by @TheSeally in #1908
- Fix/1802 add load game by @TheSeally in #1911
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 by @dependabot in #1902
- Bump tar from 4.4.15 to 4.4.19 by @dependabot in #1906
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 by @dependabot in #1912
- Fix/hotkeys leak by @TheSeally in #1913
- change log file extension to lower-case by @TheSeally in #1915
- Fix global hotkeys preventing typing some characters by @nandastone in #1931
- Add "refresh" button to multiplayer browser by @nandastone in #1932
- Meta Powers screen prototype for easier debugging by @nandastone in #1937
- Fix drops not applying creature stat alterations by @nandastone in #1936
- Added timestamp in saved game logs (fixes #1934) by @DrDub in #1938
- 1106 - Bunny Hop triggers however an enemy comes into proximity with the Bunny by @nandastone in #1939
- 1089 - Change Nutcase Tentacle Bush to "end of phase" effect by @nandastone in #1945
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by @loic5 in #1917
- More debugging Meta Powers by @nandastone in #1943
- 1649 - Fix unit Drop location after being affected by certain traps by @nandastone in #1944
- Fix "Disable Materialization Sickness" power by @nandastone in #1951
- Disable caching service worker via .env by @nandastone in #1942
- Make Nutcase immobile when not active + clean up log by @nandastone in #1950
- clean command by @OmerFarukGenc in #1956
- 1556 - Hide "Materialization has been used" button for queued/dead creatures by @nandastone in #1957
- 1810 - Golden Wyrm's ultimate ability by @nandastone in #1959
- 1949 - Display full ability info in hover by @nandastone in #1966
- Adding TS support by @nandastone in #1946
- 1940 - Fix Larva Infest ability issues by @nandastone in #1964
- Prevent accidentally navigating away from an in progress game by @nandastone in #1974
- Prevent .DS_Store files from breaking asset lister by @nandastone in #1973
- 1808 - Golden Wyrm "Executioner Axe" ability by @nandastone in #1972
- 1809 Golden Wyrm "Dragon Flight" ability by @nandastone in #1975
- 1812 Limit Vehemoth "Flat Frons" execute damage to Frozen targets by @nandastone in #1978
- 1948 Fixes for Nutcase "War Horn" ability by @nandastone in #1977
- Improve Snow Bunny "Bunny Hop" code comments by @nandastone in #1981
- Add Hammer Time effect to tooltip by @nandastone in #1982
- Add Vehemoth's "Flake Convertor" primary ability by @nandastone in #1983
- Add Vehemoth's "Falling Arrow" ultimate ability by @nandastone in #1984
- Speed up Vehemoth "Flat Frons" charge by @nandastone in #1987
- Fix blue player Nutcase upgraded "War Horn" charge by @nandastone in #1988
- Replace rm -rf with rimraf by @nandastone in #1990
- Control debug mode via .env by @nandastone in #1992
- Snow Bunny leap after taking damage from charge attacks by @nandastone in #1991
- Exclusive screens by @nandastone in #1993
- 🎄 Fix Headless "Whip Move" targeting direction by @nandastone in #1989
- Fix keyboard movement and selection by @nandastone in #1997
- Show last selected creature when clicking Dark Priest portrait by @nandastone in #1998
- Abolished "Fiery Touch" ability change + shrunken targeting hexes by @nandastone in #1999
- Fix Vehemoth "Flat Frons" left facing issues by @nandastone in #2005
- Triage: Not being able to materialize by obvious means, issue #2001. by @GeorgeR227 in #2009
- Log Attribute Upgrades for Issue #1962 by @KyleStrout in #2012
- Larva infest log tweak fix for #1971 by @KyleStrout in #2013
- Improved Fix to Issue #2001. by @GeorgeR227 in #2011
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.11.0 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in #2017
- add preOpen function by @mohamedazizkallel in #2026
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 by @dependabot in #2019
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 by @dependabot in #2033
- escort-service-facing-#1683 by @BrutchsamaJeanLouis in #2036
- Bump semver-regex from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #2039
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 by @dependabot in #2038
- Bump terser from 4.6.11 to 4.8.1 by @dependabot in #2040
- Fixed "Heavy Development" status text not showing by @JohnLun in #2042
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 by @dependabot in #2045
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 by @dependabot in #2047
- dotenv, dotenv-defaults, dotenv-webpack dependencies needs to be updates by @Deepak-1373 in #2048
- Bump tar from 4.4.13 to 6.1.11 by @dependabot in #2049
- Dockerfile created, documentation updated by @manueltarouca in #2052
- 1721 - add camera shaking events by @Marian-N in #2057
- combined _handleUiEvent func to a single if block by @richardk88 in #2062
- setting this.alterations to a variable by @richardk88 in #2061
- changed if/else to ternary by @richardk88 in #2067
- Fixing Snow Bunny ability by @JlPOCTO in #2074
- Seismic Stomp fix for right side players in #2075
- improved path display for Seismic Stomp ability in #2080
- closes #2076 in #2086
- closes #2069 in #2087
- Add audio-player-custom by @Carlos-Carsdfj in #2084
- 2056 - fix bouncing avatar going offscreen, avatar click disable whil… by @Michaela-R in #2095
- Fixed Whip Move by @JlPOCTO in #2097
- Add Mudbath creation sound by @viveknshah in #2098
- Fixed upgraded Seismic Stomp by @JlPOCTO in #2099
- right side effects volume slider [bounty: 3 XTR] #2091 by @jatinmark in #2100
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #2102
- div around the playlist only by @jatinmark in #2103
- Whip Move minimum range indicators by @KamilNalevanko in #2101
- Fixed clickable deadline hexes by @JlPOCTO in #2106
- fix-1967 by @ClEvERskull in #2107
- Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 by @dependabot in #2108
- Fixed targeting by @JlPOCTO in #2111
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #2109
- Issue2064 by @daiy29 in #2104
- Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 by @dependabot in #2113
- Resolves: #2089 Verify genre selection before playing by @UsmanAhmadSaeed in #2115
- upgraded Seismic Stomp path quick trigger by @rotom-washingmachine in #2121
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #2124
- added modular hotkey configuration by @jackwu999 in #2127
- Added 'T' hotkey for Score Menu by @SapheSab3r in #2131
- Upgrade CodeSee workflow to version 2 by @codesee-maps in #2132
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 by @dependabot in #2133
- Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 by @dependabot in #2134
- Shuffle Button Tooltip by @mohamedmostafakhudari in #2138
- Node upgrade by @nandastone in #2137
- Improved performance and documentation for getUrl function by @Ibrahim-Benkhedda in #2140
New Contributors
- @ktiedt made their first contribution in #1122
- @Sharkoon1 made their first contribution in #1131
- @DreadKnight made their first contribution in #1138
- @thamaranth made their first contribution in #1141
- @GeneralMeow made their first contribution in #1144
- @schnellboot made their first contribution in #1197
- @yoel123 made their first contribution in #1213
- @rjordanbarnes made their first contribution in #1222
- @d3caf made their first contribution in #1221
- @TheMyopist made their first contribution in #1228
- @medallyon made their first contribution in #1234
- @ShaneWalsh made their first contribution in #1240
- @sammorrow made their first contribution in #1237
- @iBlackShadow made their first contribution in #1271
- @rootCause87 made their first contribution in #1284
- @dusty-wil made their first contribution in #1286
- @Amaros90 made their first contribution in #1299
- @TommyDong1998 made their first contribution in #1304
- @RobinVdBroeck made their first contribution in #1309
- @tiffanystallings made their first contribution in #1315
- @danieldiaz14 made their first contribution in #1314
- @Stopczyt made their first contribution in #1338
- @marcel-odya made their first contribution in #1339
- @paezao made their first contribution in #1345
- @tristanmkernan made their first contribution in #1349
- @bolivierjr made their first contribution in #1379
- @IgnacioCartes made their first contribution in #1405
- @AT1452 made their first contribution in #1437
- @pranav1698 made their first contribution in #1443
- @johnnybigoode-zz made their first contribution in #1446
- @rdgolden made their first contribution in #1489
- @tomegz made their first contribution in #1492
- @monkeywithacupcake made their first contribution in #1501
- @ppierzchalka made their first contribution in #1502
- @LucasBPM made their first contribution in #1509
- @thischrisblack made their first contribution in #1525
- @TheSeally made their first contribution in #1526
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1535
- @jeltedeproft made their first contribution in #1536
- @kubikill made their first contribution in #1543
- @c3ho made their first contribution in #1552
- @svenefftinge made their first contribution in #1581
- @s-arika made their first contribution in #1583
- @Anirban166 made their first contribution in #1601
- @jxuan101 made their first contribution in #1604
- @classicmatsuo made their first contribution in #1606
- @CameronFoss made their first contribution in #1608
- @oddthread made their first contribution in #1609
- @gion made their first contribution in #1618
- @raynathanlow made their first contribution in #1622
- @rianconley made their first contribution in #1632
- @kaylina140 made their first contribution in #1651
- @willianveiga made their first contribution in #1680
- @nourazekry made their first contribution in #1682
- @BLBLBI made their first contribution in #1685
- @MartinFlores751 made their first contribution in #1694
- @Max0nyshchenko made their first contribution in #1696
- @Vorlent made their first contribution in #1709
- @dylanelliott27 made their first contribution in #1708
- @TheGuardianWolf made their first contribution in #1731
- @zaryanz made their first contribution in #1750
- @leopoldwe made their first contribution in #1744
- @kiwioyster made their first contribution in #1757
- @devcer made their first contribution in #1760
- @ChengYuuu made their first contribution in #1766
- @Ryuuko made their first contribution in #1767
- @pivovarnikj made their first contribution in #1769
- @jamesleeat made their first contribution in #1819
- @ItsPatrq made their first contribution in #1823
- @CKillen made their first contribution in #1828
- @pamons12 made their first contribution in #1837
- @GlebShulga made their first contribution in #1848
- @GrantsGithub made their first contribution in #1855
- @rcoker6 made their first contribution in #1858
- @Montrel-code made their first contribution in #1869
- @gauravsoni119 made their first contribution in #1909
- @nandastone made their first contribution in #1931
- @DrDub made their first contribution in #1938
- @loic5 made their first contribution in #1917
- @OmerFarukGenc made their first contribution in #1956
- @GeorgeR227 made their first contribution in #2009
- @KyleStrout made their first contribution in #2012
- @mohamedazizkallel made their first contribution in #2026
- @BrutchsamaJeanLouis made their first contribution in #2036
- @JohnLun made their first contribution in #2042
- @Deepak-1373 made their first contribution in #2048
- @manueltarouca made their first contribution in #2052
- @Marian-N made their first contribution in #2057
- @richardk88 made their first contribution in #2062
- @JlPOCTO made their first contribution in #2074
- @Carlos-Carsdfj made their first contribution in #2084
- @Michaela-R made their first contribution in #2095
- @viveknshah made their first contribution in #2098
- @jatinmark made their first contribution in #2100
- @KamilNalevanko made their first contribution in #2101
- @ClEvERskull made their first contribution in #2107
- @daiy29 made their first contribution in #2104
- @UsmanAhmadSaeed made their first contribution in #2115
- @rotom-washingmachine made their first contribution in #2121
- @jackwu999 made their first contribution in #2127
- @SapheSab3r made their first contribution in #2131
- @codesee-maps made their first contribution in #2132
- @mohamedmostafakhudari made their first contribution in #2138
- @Ibrahim-Benkhedda made their first contribution in #2140
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4
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