This update removes all functionality related to Lightning and Bitcoin Knots by commenting out the related code. The focus for the first proper release is going to be on Bitcoin Core and Join Market only.
- UI has been updated and improved.
- FN-Server will now behave like a menu bar app, offering minimal start/stop/get info/quit functionality for Bitcoin Core only. When FN-Server is closed it will remain running in "incognito mode" in the menu bar as a server icon.
- Improved handling of Join market rpc creds, we now create a cookie file and use dedicated rpc creds for JM rather than plain text rpc creds in the config.
- Join Market can now be downloaded via master, sometimes tagged releases have bugs and don't work without editing source code, master often gets fixed quickly which can be very useful.
- Please provide feedback so I can get this out of beta!
Downloading the below
file will result in the following files being downloaded:
To verify:
gpg --recv-keys D3AC0FCA
gpg --verify FullyNoded-Server.dmg.asc FullyNoded-Server
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc SHA256SUMS
shasum -a 256 FullyNoded-Server.dmg
should return 0d98143b369d47f5a36d037e6c8bcfc0b8d4326b9fb5ae7511b10ff01206b309 FullyNoded-Server.dmg