Release Notes
Program plugin now shows the target path when hovering over the result
Context Menu's query speed has been improved for JsonRPC plugins
Added a new feature ReQuery to the plugin API, allowing plugin developers to reload queries in order to refresh plugin result data
Sound effect volume is now adjustable
Added a new context menu for Program plugin to open the destination folder for resutls that are program shortcuts
The search window will now be hidden when dragging results
Added a new keyboard shortcut
to copy the result path
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with Opera bookmarks
Fixed Custom Query Shortcut logic when two or more share the same prefix
Fixed Program plugin's indexer, which will now run when either Win32 or UWP application cache is empty
Node plugins using V2 JsonRPC now works as expected
Added new and updated translations
Reworked image caching
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@AminSallah, @AsafMah, @flooxo, @Garulf, @Phoenix-, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor, @Yusyuriv and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.