github Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher v1.18.0

latest release: v1.19.0
3 months ago

Release Notes


  • Program plugin now shows the target path when hovering over the result

  • Context Menu's query speed has been improved for JsonRPC plugins

  • Added a new feature ReQuery to the plugin API, allowing plugin developers to reload queries in order to refresh plugin result data

  • Sound effect volume is now adjustable

  • Added a new context menu for Program plugin to open the destination folder for resutls that are program shortcuts

  • The search window will now be hidden when dragging results

  • Added a new keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C to copy the result path

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Opera bookmarks

  • Fixed Custom Query Shortcut logic when two or more share the same prefix

  • Fixed Program plugin's indexer, which will now run when either Win32 or UWP application cache is empty

  • Node plugins using V2 JsonRPC now works as expected

  • Added new and updated translations

  • Reworked image caching


We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.

@AminSallah, @AsafMah, @flooxo, @Garulf, @Phoenix-, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor, @Yusyuriv and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.

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