github FenPhoenix/AngelLoader v1.1.4

latest releases: v1.8.0, v1.7.999, v1.7.9...
5 years ago

-Fixed: When "Convert .oggs to .wavs on install" and "Convert .wavs to 16 bit on install" were both checked, only the .ogg conversion would run.

-Fixed: Settings window title wasn't changing immediately when a new language was selected (you had to close and reopen it for the change to show up)
-Fixed: Settings window is supposed to always pop up at startup if backup path is missing or invalid, but if certain other values were also missing or invalid then it wouldn't pop up
-Fixed: Settings window: When the third custom date separator textbox's text was changed, the preview date would not update

-Fixed: If you selected a rating from the Rating dropdown on the Edit tab, the Rating submenu in the FM context menu wouldn't update its selected item to match.

-Fixed: When moving the mouse over the readme controls area, the Window's control button area (minimize, maximize, restore buttons) would flicker.
-Fixed: When moving the mouse from the readme area directly onto another window, the readme controls would stay visible when they should have become hidden.

-A couple small corrections in the documentation
-Further hardened config reader against badly formed data
-Some general hardening and improved error checking in various places

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