First beta with Dark Mod support.
Missing things:
- You can't delete Dark Mod FMs from disk (but you can delete them from the database if you've already manually deleted from disk).
- TDM stores the last played date (down to the day only) and finished-on difficulty. We don't pull this data in automatically at the moment - you still have to set the finished-on difficulty manually, and the last played time gets set immediately upon game exe start, like all the other supported games.
- No mission downloading or updating or anything of the sort. You still have to go in-game for that.
- No mods tab - I understand there are mods for the game but I haven't looked into how you would use them and if it's possible / makes sense to support them on the mods tab.
- Certain terms may not be final - "Select / Deselect" may be confusing or uninformative
What you do get:
- Comments and tags
- Autodetected titles/authors/release date/size/mission count
- The full AngelLoader experience for sorting/searching/viewing your FM collection, works basically just like the other games
- Autodetects whenever the "selected" FM changes, so if you go and change FMs in-game AngelLoader will update its "selected" FM too