github FastReports/FastReport v2025.1.0
FastReport OpenSource 2025.1.0

9 hours ago


  • added PicturesInParagraph property to RichObject;
  • added method for asynchronous report preparation PrepareAsync();
  • added converting of strings to dbtype compatible;
  • added print scale;
  • added decimal conversion to words in ToWords functions;
  • added locale identifier for Spanish is 22538 (Spanish - Latin America) and 3082 (Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort));
  • a new IfNull function has been added for working with expressions. It returns the result of the calculated expression if it is not null, otherwise the specified default value;
  • implemented calculation of horizontal position of pictures in RichObject;
  • added the ability to send a request in the virtual-host-style;
  • added support for text rotation with TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph;
  • added the ability to use header bands for the "PrintOn" property of the Totals;
  • upgraded Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core in FastReport.Data.OracleODPCore;
  • methods GetConnection, OpenConnection and Dispose marked as virtual;
  • added null check for incoming value for Hyperlink.Value property;
  • static verification methods TryParse has been introduced into classes of QRCodes;
  • fixed text break issues;
  • fixed page visibility change after PageStart event;
  • fixed conversion to parameter type;
  • fixed checking of the report script for stop-words if it contained in the variable name;
  • fixed visibility of the bottom border of a text object with enabled GrowToBottom;
  • fixed border doubling when the grouped DataBand has the GrowToBottom option;
  • removed rendering of child clipPath tags in SVGPictureObject;
  • fixed a bug in FinishReport event;
  • removed invalid ability to add SubreportObject to ContainerObject;
  • fixed changing the CommandType of the request if it was set in GetAdapter;


  • added ability to open page as link from another report;
  • added italic, bold, underline and strikethrough font styles to the span tag;
  • added a search in the TreeView by the character entered from the keyboard;
  • added a check for duplicates of downloaded fonts;
  • replaced default property values in the constructors of CurrencyFormat, NumberFormat, and PercentFormat classes from fixed values to values from CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
  • fixed incorrect position of Amiri, Cambria Math, DejaVu Math TeX Gyre fonts in the font selection drop-down list;
  • fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when saving borders via Border Editor;
  • fixed incorrect display of SVG-images in the designer;
  • fixed the display of variables declared in one line on the Code tab in the tooltips;
  • fixed page margins length in "ExtraDesignWidth" mode;
  • fixed the length of the Guides in the designer for long reports;
  • fixed a bug where the selected font was not displayed in the drop-down list;
  • fixed incorrect application of data formats;
  • fixed an error leading to System.NullReferenceException when deleting a band with a Subreport object;


  • added properties Outline.Expand and Outline.Width in PreviewControl;
  • fixed index out of range when previewing empty SvgObject;
  • fixed closing of PreviewSearchForm after clicking the "Next" button;


  • added the ability to combine all report pages into one when exporting to Excel;
  • added an option to use a custom format instead of general in Excel-export;
  • added strikethrough text formatting to Word-export;
  • added the MemoryOptimized option for Word-export, which enables the use of FileStream instead of MemoryStream;
  • added support for rotating text with TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph when exporting to PDF;
  • format display adjustments - format 'D' and 'MMMM yyyy' are displayed as dates (format 'MM yyyy' if possible), numeric format with negative pattern '-n' is displayed in standard Excel numeric format;
  • changed the export of the PictureObject border as an image in Word;
  • optimized memory consumption when exporting to PDF;
  • changed layout of table export to fixed;
  • fixed the issue with HTML tags rendering in HTML export;
  • fixed the export of negative PDF property values;
  • fixed the color of cell borders in the browser after exporting to Excel;
  • fixed border style of cell in Word and PowerPoint;
  • fixed export of pictures in header and footer to Word;
  • fixed bug with deleting temporary file;
  • fixed calculation of line-height when exporting to HTML;
  • fixed incorrect export of borders with double line style to PDF;
  • fixed a bug with transparency in HTML-Export;
  • fixed an issue where the <p> tag was incorrectly displayed during HTML-export;
  • fixed default value of "UseHeaderAndFooter" option in Word export;
  • fixed incorrect location of images in tabular export to Word;
  • fixed the row height of objects sets after TableObject when exporting to Excel;
  • fixed NullReferenceException when exporting font to PDF with alternative lookup of substitution;


  • added a new method for setting an parameter expression via code;


  • added ability of connection to stored procedures in Oracle;
  • updated the Firebird.Client version to 10.0.0;
  • updated vulnerable packages Npgsql(Postgres) and System.Data.SqlClient;
  • changed the text of the error message when pressing the "Advanced" button in the connection to Linter;
  • fixed a bug with missing menu in the designer of forms for the Report object;
  • fixed a bug with "character varying" type of Postgres;


  • fixed demo-report Barcode.frx.

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