github Falcion/ 3.2.0

4 days ago

This minor release is focused on continuing the "small to great" ideology and this time there are even more changes than in the previous release.

From small to great: Chapter II

The update focuses on the integration of styles, status bar, commands and languages.

Language support

The plugin now supports ABSOLUTELY all languages ​​that are supported by the application: this process, contrary to opinion, is not automatic and therefore sometimes it is necessary to integrate new languages.


Translation of the plugin into many other languages ​​is actively encouraged.

Errors about the lack of language support should disappear for a long LTS period.

  • version "v3*" officially turns into an LTS version with only minor changes and support;

Status bar

The plugin has an integrated status bar, which allows you to view the following information:

  • worker (processor-handler) assigned to the open file;
  • registered extensions:
  • separate extensions like markdown;
  • separately grouped extensions (unique);
  • separate code editor extensions;
  • registered views;
  • text cursor position (caret) in the edited file;
  • assigned render type to the open file;

The status bar supports translations into different languages, as well as modular support (disable or turn off some of its elements).

Commands and similar

Integrated commands for basic interactions with the plugin functionality:

  1. enabling/disabling several modes at once:
  • safe mode;
  • case-ignoring mode;
  • markdown overload mode;
  1. adding extensions like markdown via modal;
  2. adding via extension modal as code editor;

Integration of block styles, ecosystem

The plugin now integrates styles not forcedly, but adaptively (via CSS cascades, not JS): the plugin also integrates types of closed runtime API and opens up even more of its API, preparing for reintegration with other plugins, as well as opening up its functions and capabilities to other projects directly in runtime cooperation.

New versions — new problems

Due to the new OBSIDIAN installer (version v1.8*), problems with the code editor have arisen: more precisely, working with copy-paste; a special setting has been added for new versions that allows you to paste text not only with the new Ctrl+Shift+V, but also with the good old Ctrl+V, thereby simplifying the experience of working with the plugin.

  • this setting is needed ONLY for versions with the installer of versions v1.8*, in other cases, text insertion works with the classic Ctrl+V;


Read more about what has been introduced to the plugin in the special release note:

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