github F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension v3.5.0

latest releases: v3.51.0, v3.50.2, v3.50.1...
5 years ago

AS3 v3.5.0 contains the following changes. See the Document revision history for more information and links.

  • Added a Community Supported version of AS3 in a Container on Docker Hub
  • Added support for Generic Services
  • Added support for the FIX Profile for Service_TCP and Service_L4, which includes the ability to configure Sender Tag Mapping and Log Publishers
  • Added support for internal, external, and existing Data Groups
  • Added support for spanning in Serivce_Address
  • The AS3 schema is now published on GitHub (

Issues Resolved:

  • Pointing to a Service_Address in a declaration can fail .
  • Incorrect validation of declarations wrapped in an AS3 Request object.
  • Multiple conditions or actions in an Endpoint Policy Rule can cause AS3 to lock up.
  • Errors when processing a declaration can cause AS3 to lock up.
  • HTTP Profile Compression issues (Extra “glob” characters included in content-type and Cannot update uri and content-type include/exclude values).
  • Declaration updates that remove a property can silently fail.
  • Enforcement_Listener declarations cannot reference Service_Generic declarations.
  • Service_Address and Pool members can have naming conflicts.
  • Persist update not idempotent due to prop with regex value.
    -Success on second POST with Diameter Endpoint Profile.
  • Cannot update certificate properties.

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