github F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension v3.29.0

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3 years ago

Updated the repository for AS3 v3.29.0. This release contains the following changes. See the Document revision history for more information and links.

  • Added support for using iFiles with iRules in a declaration
  • Added support for enabling/disabling NAT and SNAT on a pool
  • Added support for exists/does-not-exist operands in an Endpoint Policy
  • Added support for additional TCP Endpoint Policy condition events
  • The ID property of the ADC class is now optional

Issues Resolved:

  • AS3 fails to start due to socket hang-up error, GitHub Issue #450
  • Error with IPv6 Service_Address on custom route domain, GitHub Issue #324
  • TCP Monitor remove send/receive requirement to bring it in line with TMSH, GitHub Issue #436
  • Persist /Common/Shared across multiple declarations, GitHub Issue #443
  • Shared node logic failing for /Common/Shared
  • Service Discovery is not idempotent when AS3 shared nodes overlap, GitHub Issue #461
  • Tenants occasionally missing in responses and tasks when posting to declare/[Tenant], GitHub Issue #457
  • Order of returned tasks changed with 3.26, GitHub Issue #456

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