github Exa-Networks/exabgp 3.3.1
ExaBGP 'Euro-IX' release

latest releases: debian/sid/4.2.21-2, debian/sid/4.2.21-1, 4.2.21...
10 years ago

This is a re-release of 3.3.1. The code was re-tagged to include debian only changes and not have to increase the version number.

Once again, this release contains mostly some fixes but once more provide one change which could cause backward compatible issues.

The time representation in JSON is now include sub-second, so instead of "1394903126" the time will now be reported as "1394903126.749668"

The core engine was changed and simplified slightly and we now have report that ExaBGP can handle over 200 session without issue. This is still seen as "on the high side".

The debian packaging was as well updated, hopefully debian testing will be upgraded soon.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to report issues and in many case helping with the solution.

The changelog says the following issues were fixed :

  • typo using uid instead gid (could prevent dropping privileges !)
  • prevent ExaBGP to start if the log folder is not writeable by the user
  • configuration defaults for booleans ( and warns when group-updates is not enabled );
  • issue when removing some routes
  • bad printing of route as-path
  • neighbor matching was too permissive
  • under load ExaBGP could miss some commands sent through the API

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