github ErrorFlynn/ytdlp-interface v2.2.0

latest releases: v2.11.1, v2.11.0, v2.10.0...
13 months ago


  • manual selection of formats is now available for all URLs
  • added a viewer for the JSON data obtained from yt-dlp (access in the queue menu)
  • added the options none and 4320 to the Preferred resolution setting
  • the program no longer uses -S when -f is used
  • added an Info button to the settings window (which explains why -S is used)
  • pressing the Delete key when the output is shown no longer removes a queue item
  • the usual minor improvements

When formats are manually chosen from the format list, the program communicates those choices to yt-dlp using the -f argument. Until now, the program also used -S to sort the formats according to user preferences (preferred resolution, etc). This was done with the assumption that when downloading a playlist with specific formats chosen (for example -f 299+140), and a video in that playlist didn't have those formats available, yt-dlp would fall back to the default behavior of choosing the best format according to its list of priorities (which -S influences). That turns out to have been a mistaken assumption on my part, since yt-dlp actually just gives an error and doesn't download the video. So from now on, the -S argument is no longer used when formats are explicitly chosen with -f.

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