github Enterprise-CMCS/eAPD v2.8.0

latest releases: v5, v4.9.4, v4.9.3...
4 years ago

🚀 New features

  • Adds a new warning dialog to explain when unexpected errors are encountered
    and what the user can do about it. (#2112)
  • The header displays the time ago since the APD was last saved (#2104)

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Adds some explanation and help text to the estimated quarterly expenditure table (#2110)
  • Fixed an issue where new APDs and activities came prepopulated with cost information (#2129) which could cause incorrect behavior in the activity cost summary table (#2130)
  • Fixed an issue where adding an activity could make it impossible to save the APD (#2148)
  • Fixed an issue where printing from a screen other than the export screen resulted in excessive whitespace (#2114)

⚙️ Behind the scenes

  • Updated 3rd-party libraries to the latest versions

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