github EndBug/add-and-commit v8.0.0

latest releases: v9.1.4, v9, latest...
3 years ago


  • [BREAKING] The action will now work with whatever ref has been checked out, without pulling or switching branches by default. You can still pull using the pull input and create a new branch with the newly-added new_branch input. For more info, check commit 6fdb34e.


  • [BREAKING] The signoff input has been removed, use commit instead. (#331)
  • [BREAKING] The pull_strategy input has been removed, use pull instead.
  • [BREAKING] The branch and branch_mode inputs have been removed, check commit 6fdb34e for more info.
  • [BREAKING] The pull input doesn't support NO-PULL anymore: if you don't want the action to pull, simply remove the input, as it's the default behavior now.


  • Added the commit input, that allows you to change the arguments for the git commit command. (#331)
  • Added the new_branch input. (6fdb34e)
  • Added the commit_long_sha output. (#349)

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