github EmilStenstrom/django-components 0.118

latest releases: 0.120, 0.119
5 days ago

What's Changed


  • Add support for context_processors and RenderContext inside component templates (by @lhole in #817)

    Component.render() and Component.render_to_response() now accept an extra kwarg request.

    def my_view(request)
        return MyTable.render_to_response(
    • When you pass in request, the component will use RenderContext instead of Context.
      Thus the context processors will be applied to the context.

    • NOTE: When you pass in both request and context to Component.render(), and context is already an instance of Context, the request kwarg will be ignored.


  • Fix sampleproject component-relative (#833)


  • Fix link to license in README (#834)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.117...0.118

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