github ElementsProject/lightning v24.11.1
v24.11.1: The lightning-dev Mailing List II

12 hours ago

This is a quick release due to the popularity of xpay, especially using the (reckless!) `xpay-handle-pay option.


  1. xpay compatibility improved significantly for xpay-handle-pay: the JSON return should be identical, and it handles maxfeepercent and exemptfee parameters.
  2. xpay results in listpays will include destination and amount_msat fields.
  3. xpay doesn't spam the logs at INFO level any more
  4. xpay now works through unannounced channels (oops!)
  5. Alpine/OpenBSD compilation fix

You can see the full CHANGELOG for all details.

Happy xpay season from the Core Lightning Team!

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