We're pleased to announce c-lightning 0.6.3, named by @molxyz and @ctrlbreak.
We highly recommend you upgrade to this release soon; it fixes a crashing bug which has been plaguing multiple users (reproduced and verified fixed by our intrepid release-namers above).
Highlights for Users
- Private channel creation support.
temporarily disabled, as it seems incompatible with lnd in some cases.- Better handling of less common BOLT11 invoices.
- Less crashy!
- Alpha release of plugin support (use
./configure --enable-plugins
), so you can extend your node's capabilities (see https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/master/doc/plugins.md)
Highlights for the network
- We no longer send invalid error messages if you get a peer id wrong.
- We allow
which lnd sometimes does (we used to close channel!).
More details can be found in the https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/v0.6.3/CHANGELOG.md:
We're grateful for all the bug reports and suggestions and your patience as we sometimes struggled to address them: please keep them coming!
Since 0.6.2 we've had 314 commits from 18 different authors, 5 of whom were first-time c-lightning contributors:
This is up from last release, despite the holiday break!
Rusty, Christian and ZmnSCPxj.