github ElementsProject/lightning v0.11.2
Simon's Carefully Chosen Release Name III

latest releases: v24.05, v24.05rc2, v24.05rc1...
2 years ago

This is a minor release, highly recommended, which fixes several problems with the v0.11 (and v0.11.1) releases:

  • Unwanted unilateral closes with LND. v0.11 removed logic to downgrade errors, and this reintroduces it when LND sends "internal error" as the reason for an error (which it seems to do often, but recovers).
  • Two more occasional crashes fixed with reconnection logic.
  • connectd large memory usage and large CPU usage reduced significantly.
  • "Could not load channels from the database" failure on startup fixed, when we had old TORv2 addresses in the database.
  • Two fixes to pay/routefinding code, for better payment success.

Thanks to all the people who reported bugs!

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