github Effect-TS/schema v0.55.0

latest releases: v0.56.1, v0.56.0
6 months ago

Minor Changes

  • #649 d80b933 Thanks @gcanti! - Arbitrary: should throw on declarations without annotations

  • #669 294dfad Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: refactor parseJson to replace ParseJson and fromJson

  • #649 d80b933 Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: refactor S.optional API.

    Upgrade Guide:

    • S.optional(schema, { exact: true }) replaces the old S.optional(schema)
    • S.optional(schema, { exact: true, default: () => A }) replaces the old S.optional(schema).withDefault(() => A)
    • S.optional(schema, { exact: true, as: "Option" }) replaces the old S.optional(schema).toOption()
  • #649 d80b933 Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: replace propertySignature constructor with propertySignatureAnnotations combinator

  • #669 294dfad Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: simplify split parameters to only accept separator

  • #669 294dfad Thanks @gcanti! - Schema: remove useless combinators

    • lowercase
    • uppercase
    • trim
    • numberFromString
    • symbolFromString
    • bigintFromString
    • bigintFromNumber
    • secret
    • durationFromHrTime
    • durationFromMillis
    • durationFromNanos
    • uint8ArrayFromNumbers
    • base64
    • base64url
    • hex
    • dateFromString
    • bigDecimalFromNumber
    • bigDecimalFromString
    • not

Patch Changes

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